For participants in the study "Survey on the individual living, health and care situation of senior citizens in Dresden from the age of 60" (LAB60+).
- Here you can download the participation information in PDF format
- Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions FAQs
Dear study participants,
Thank you for your interest in our scientific study. In this project we want to investigate the living, health and care situation of people in Dresden aged 60 and above.
We cordially invite you to participate and would like to inform you in advance in detail about the procedure of the study, the handling of the research data and your right to withdraw from the study. If you would like to support the project, please confirm this by signing the enclosed consent form (yellow document) or, in the case of online participation, by clicking in the corresponding box.
Who are we and who is conducting the project?
The study is a joint effort of the Center for Demography and Diversity (CDD) at the TU Dresden and the state capital Dresden. Prof. Andreas Seidler, MPH is a member of the CDD and director of the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine (IPAS). The survey is conducted under the main responsibility of IPAS.
Why is this study being conducted?
The aim of this study is to determine how life in Dresden can be improved for senior citizens.
The survey focuses on information about you as a person, your living situation, social contacts as well as your activities (e.g. leisure time and voluntary work). We are also interested in your well-being and health. In addition, questions about the COVID 19 pandemic are included, through which we would like to determine to what extent your situation has changed as a result of the pandemic. At the end of the survey, you have the opportunity to give us your suggestions and ideas for improving the living situation in Dresden.
How does the survey work?
As part of the survey, a total of 6,000 residents of Dresden aged 60 and older will be contacted by mail and asked to participate in the survey. The questionnaire can be completed both in writing and online. The survey takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
Are there any benefits and/or risks to me if I participate?
By taking part in our survey, you are making an important contribution to being able to assess the life situation and expectations of Dresden's senior citizens in the post-work phase of their lives. On the basis of this information, existing offers of the state capital Dresden for the preservation of social participation and a self-determined life in one's own home will be assessed and possibly adapted or supplemented.
There are no risks associated with participation in the study and you will not incur any costs.
Voluntary participation and confidentiality
Participation in this project is voluntary. You may terminate your participation in this project at any time and without giving any reason without incurring any disadvantages. The data collected in the course of this study will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be evaluated for scientific purposes. All project staff members are bound to secrecy.
At no time will the City of Dresden receive information about whether or not you have participated in the study.
What happens with my data?
The study collects data by means of a written or digital survey. All potential participants receive a personal code, which only enables the allocation of the data to the Dresden districts (e.g. a person living in Striesen receives the code: ST 0001). In addition, the data collected is pseudonymized by this code, which means that neither your name nor any other information that would allow your identity to be determined is contained in the data set. If you participate in the survey in paper form, this code is already noted in the header of the questionnaire.
As part of your consent to the project, personal identifying data (full first and last name) will be collected on the consent form. These will be sent to the survey office of the study (contact: Dr. med. Daniel Kämpf; Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of the Dresden University of Technology, Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine, Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden) and stored with your address provided by the Dresden data registration office. This personal data is kept securely there, or stored electronically, strictly separate from the research data - i.e. the information from the questionnaire. Your contact details are not accessible to any staff member at the evaluation center and are only used to enable us to contact you in the event of a follow-up survey.
The research data will be stored with the personal code in the evaluation center (contact: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Seidler, MPH; Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of the Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine, Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden). All analyses are performed exclusively with encrypted data to prevent identification of participants. The Institute of Occupational and Social Medicine is responsible for data evaluation and processing in this project.
All data collected as part of the study will be used exclusively for scientific purposes. Our cooperation partners of the CDD (i.e. Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology and Chair of Social and Health Buildings) as well as the state capital Dresden receive anonymous research data for scientific evaluations. The collected data will not be passed on to project externals. After completion of the data collection and evaluation, the completely anonymized data will be used within scientific publications. Your personal data will be stored according to "Good Epidemiological Practice" for 10 years and then destroyed. The data is secured against unauthorized access and all members of the study team are bound to secrecy. The provisions of the Data Protection Act as amended are complied with.
How can I participate in the survey?
You can participate in the survey online or in paper form.
If you have opted for online participation: Please confirm the online consent form by clicking in the box provided. You can cancel your participation at any time during the processing of the online questionnaire. Data will only be transmitted after your final confirmation (by clicking) at the end of the survey.
If you have opted to participate in paper form: Please confirm your consent to participate by signing the enclosed consent form (yellow document) and complete the questionnaire. Two pre-made return envelopes (large & small) are enclosed with the documents. Please place the signed consent form (yellow document) in the small envelope and seal it. Please place this small envelope in the large envelope along with the completed questionnaire. Please return the sealed large envelope to us without postage. Please use the appropriate Deutsche Post AG offices for mailing.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
If you need help answering the questionnaire, please contact the staff of the senior citizens' telephone hotline. The staff is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 0351 488 48 00.
If you have any questions about the study itself, please feel free to contact the study coordinator, Dr. Janice Hegewald (postal address: Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine, Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, 01307 Dresden; phone: 0351 3177 443).