CMCB Postdoc Community
About 100 people are employed as Postdocs at the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) at the TU Dresden. They are often called “the silent workforce” taking tasks from teaching over project management to whole lab management. In 2016, enthusiastic Postdocs joined their forces and raised their voice. Until now, the so called Postdoc community has grown to approximately 30 members, representing roughly one third of all CMCB Postdocs. Our aims are to promote career development and foster communication between Postdocs of the three sister institutes, CRTD, BIOTEC, and B CUBE as well as among other institutes at the Dresden Johannstadt Campus.

About 150 people are employed as Postdocs at the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) at the TU Dresden. They are often called “the silent workforce” taking tasks from teaching over project management to whole lab management. In 2016, enthusiastic Postdocs joined their forces and raised their voice.
The so called Postdoc community started of only with a hand full of people and has grown to more than 20 members until now. We have representatives from the three sister institutes CRTD, BIOTEC, and B CUBE and other satellite institutes, who are in contact with the administration and group leaders of the institutes to address institute specific aims or problems. If you have any specific issues please feel free to contact them directly.
Our main aims are to promote career development and foster communication and networking between the Postdocs from different institutes (among the Dresden Johannstadt Campus). More specific information is provided here. Besides the scientific events to improve our status and develop academic and industrial skills we also organise social activities, which are always a cheerful and great way to get in contact with other Postdocs. If you want to find out more please have a look at our news section.
We hope we can inspire you to join our group and be part of a new Dresden Postdoc network. Just get in touch with us and feel free to join our regular meetings which are also listed here. Feel also free to write us an email in order to get added to our mailing list where you always get informed about the new upcoming events and meetings.
We hope to see many more of you in the next activities and meetings and keep our community growing.