Jun 27, 2014
Axolotl, „CSI BIOTEC“, and Drums Alive – new cells is what the human needs

On extra tours children can microscope and visit the Axolotl
Is it possible to determine the physical characteristics of cells with the power of light, running water or tiny feathers? Is it possible to develop methods and new instruments for the clinical diagnostics of infections and diseases from the results? These exciting questions will be answered by scientists in the DFG Research Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden – Cluster of Excellence at the TU Dresden (CRTD), Fetscherstraße 105, 01307 Dresden during the Long Night of Science on Friday, July 4th, 2014 from 6pm to 1am. Research groups of the CRTD, the Biotechnology Center of the TU Dresden (BIOTEC), the Center for Innovation BCUBE, the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID), the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), as well as the Sports Medicine of the TU Chemitz will offer a look over their shoulder, give talks and invite visitors to actively participate in experiments. For children, there will be extra tours to the Axolotl. International student teams and students of the CRTD cooperation school Martin-Andersen-Nexö-Gymnasium will show experiments.
German Press Release
Program in German
Website of the Long Night of Science
Here is the new LNdW mobile app for Android smartphones.
Here is the new LNdW mobile app for iOS devices.