Mar 20, 2014
„Sächsischer Biotechnologietag 2014“ – Awards for Research Studies at the Competitive Exhibition

29 Saxon industry exhibitors showed their products and technological applications in the foyer of the CRTD.
More than 220 researchers and entrepreneurs of biotechnology in Saxony and further federal states as well as European countries have visited the “Sächsische Biotechnologietag 2014” that was organized by the Biotechnology Center at the TU Dresden (BIOTEC) and the “Biotechnologische-Biomedizinische Zentrum” (BBZ) from the university of Leipzig with the assistance of biosaxony e. V. “The new concept of a competitive exhibition in the Saxon biotechnology sector in research, economics, and commercial applications works”, says Professor Michael Schroeder, director of the BIOTEC. Thirteen guest speakers covered the first steps of a researcher for commercializing his research results up to the point of the presentation of successfully established internationally acting enterprises. 29 Saxon industry exhibitors, among them start-ups of the TU Dresden and other scientific institutes, showed their products and technological applications in the foyer of the DFG-Research Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden – Cluster of Excellence at the TU Dresden (CRTD).
The poster session representedresearch results with a high potential of commercial applications. Joachim Haupt from BIOTEC received the 1. award for his research. Awarded were also Nicole Körber and Vuk Savkovic, both of the “Translationszentrum für Regenerative Medizin“ of the Universität Leipzig.
For the first time biosaxony e. V. awarded the best Bachelor’s and Master’s theses that students from Saxony had written in the subject of biotechnology. Claudia Heber was awarded the best Bachelor’s thesis (conducted at „Berufsakademie Riesa“ and „Deutsche Biomasse Forschungszentrum Leipzig“). The second award was given to Helene Henning (B CUBE – Center for Molecular Bioengineering) and the third to Benedikt Schwarze (Universität Leipzig). Catleen Conrad (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) received the award for the best Master’s thesis in Saxony, followed by Tom Kunschmann (Universität Leipzig), and Sebastian Salentin (BIOTEC).