Beratungsanfrage / Consultation Request Beratungsanfrage / Consultation Request Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Vor- und Nachname / Name * Required Required for translation E-Mail-Adresse / e-mail address * Required Required for translation Fachbereich / subject area * Required Required for translation Einrichtung (Institut) / institution Status Student / student Absolvent / graduate Promovend / doctoral student Postdoc Gewünschte Beratungssprache / preferred language Deutsch / German Englisch / English Beratungsanliegen / consultation request * Required allgem. Beratung zur Promotion / general advice on doctoral studies Bewerbungsmappencheck / application documents service Coaching Fördermittelberatung / funding advise Karriereberatung / career counselling Konfliktberatung / conflict counselling Schreibberatung / writing advisory service Sonstiges / other Kommentare / comments Datenschutz- und Einwilligungserklärung / Data Protection Declaration Hier finden Sie unsere Datenschutz-/Einwilligungserklärung. Here you can find our Data Protection Declaration and Consent Declaration. Ich stimme zu. / I Agree. * Required Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die Datenschutz-/Einwilligungserklärung gelesen und verstanden habe und unter diesen Bedingungen freiwillig in die darin genannte Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten einwillige. / I hereby confirm that I have read the data protection declaration and under these conditions I have voluntarily entered into the mentioned processing of my personal data. Sicherheitsfrage / Sercruity question * Required Required for translation Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. In order to listen to the audio file, you can download it. Reset Captcha Internet Explorer does not support the wav audio format and is unable to play the audio version of the Captcha.