Summer Party of the Graduate Academey | 28.06.2018
We celebrate the summer!
Once again this year, our guests can expect barbeque, refreshing drinks, music and science communication with a twist!
Our program includes - in addition to our traditional mortarboard competition
- our 1st Nerd-(Quiz)-Night.
16.30 | Kick-off - music by TAM TAM Combony
16.45 | Opening of our summer party - with our DDocs
17.30 | Mortarboard Contest - Presentation of Hats
18.00 | Networking - Barbeque & Drinks
19.00 | Mortarboard Contest - Award Ceremony - in cooperation with SLUB
19.30 | Nerd-Night - 1st GA-Quiz
Mortarboard Contest
In the traditional Motarboard competition, our postdocs explaining their research results by showing their hats to our guests. The audience then chooses the most artistic one!
Registration please via email.
In keeping with the tradition of the popular pub quiz
we proudly present our NERD-NIGHT for the first time!
- 9 rounds with witty questions
- 6 teams with (max) 6 brilliant minds