teaching duties of the chair educational technology
The chair of ecucational technology provides teaching duties in different courses of study. Moreover the colleagues at the chair are involved at academic qualification and development in different projects and activities.

Offers of studies at the chair of ecucational technology
- teaching degree "Höheres Lehramt an Berufsbildenden Schulen" according to LAPO 2012
Informationen zu den neuen Studienordnungen ab WS 2015/2016 - teaching orientated Bachelor degree "Berufliche Bildung"
- Master degree "Höheres Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen"
- Master degree "Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building"
- minor field of study "Berufspädagogik" for the diploma in "Medieninformatik"
- Master degree "Weiterbildungsforschung und Organisationsentwicklung"
- complementary study "Berufliche Bildung/Berufliche Erwachsenenbildung"
- Engineering pedagogics
Data about the courses for individual courses of studies and a detailed description you'll find here LV-Verzeichnis der Fakultät.
The registration for the courses is via Bildungsportal Sachsen and starts approx. 4 weeks before the start of the semesters.
Information concerned about organisational questions for students who want to study abroad: TU Dresden - Auslandsstudium-