teaching duties of the chair educational technology
The chair of ecucational technology provides teaching duties in different courses of study.
Offers of studies at the chair of ecucational technology
- teaching degree "Höheres Lehramt an Berufsbildenden Schulen" according to LAPO 2012
Informationen zu den neuen Studienordnungen ab WS 2015/2016 - teaching orientated Bachelor degree "Berufliche Bildung"
- Master degree "Höheres Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen"
- Master degree "Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building"
- minor field of study "Berufspädagogik" for the diploma in "Medieninformatik"
- Master degree "Weiterbildungsforschung und Organisationsentwicklung"
- complementary study "Berufliche Bildung/Berufliche Erwachsenenbildung"
- Engineering pedagogics
Moreover the colleagues at the chair are involved at academic qualification and development in different projects and activities.
Data about the courses for individual courses of studies and a detailed description you'll find here LV-Verzeichnis der Fakultät.
The registration for the courses is via Bildungsportal Sachsen and starts approx. 4 weeks before the start of the semesters.
Information concerned about organisational questions for students who want to study abroad: TU Dresden - Auslandsstudium