Oct 04, 2024
Team from the Chair of Health and Nursing at the Learning Worlds Congress in Innsbruck - this year's topic: "Next Education - on the pulse of time for the health professions"

from left to right: Anja Köhler, Linda Hommel, Prof. Anja Walter, Andreas Dürrschmidt
The Chair's team was once again well represented at the Learning Worlds Congress with its own contributions: Linda Hommel and Anja Köhler organized a workshop on "In dialogue with ChatGPT: A workshop on integrating artificial intelligence into lesson planning", Andreas Dürrschmidt gave a presentation on "Vietnamese women* in German nursing training - nursing education in the midst of a competing understanding of the subject" and Anja Walter offered a discussion forum under the heading "Didactics of the health professions - Quo vadis?". A look at the program shows that teachers in the healthcare professions are intensively dealing with the future of learning.
Link to the program: https://www.lernwelten.info/content/54-programm