Rebekka Haubold
Rebekka Haubold
Core research areas
- Media literacy, media appropriation of adults
- problematic media use
- qualitative social research
Practical focus
- media didactics
- intergenerational action-oriented media education
Abstract Dissertation:
The dissertation is dedicated to the contexts of mediatized media use by adults. In particular, educational occasions of smartphone appropriation by adults are approached by means of situation analysis (according to Adele Clarke). The aim is to identify the stakeholders involved in these situations (both human and non-human, both individual and collective, symbolic and material) and to describe their interrelationships. Theoretically, from the perspective of actor-network theory (according to Bruno Latour), non-humans (such as the smartphone) are also seen as fully-fledged interaction partners.
Knowing the stakeholders involved in the situation and describing their overall characteristics for smartphone appropriation makes it possible to understand media appropriation situations and recognize possible peculiarities such as barriers (e.g. age discrimination, disruptions), but also to identify helpful or previously silent stakeholders for media appropriation. In this way, the results offer connection possibilities both for the media pedagogical practice of media education processes and for media development using the example of a fundamental actor for the mediatization of the everyday world.
Short CV
since May 2022: Research Associate in the BMBF-funded third-party funded project "PraxisdigitaliS - Praxis digital gestalten in Sachsen", Leipzig University: Center for Teacher Education and School Research
since Dec 2017: Research Associate for the Chair of Media Literacy and Appropriation Research, Leipzig University
since Oct 2016: Doctoral student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Leipzig Prof. Dr. Sonja Ganguin & JProf. Dr. Maria Kondratjuk, TU Dresden
since 2015: Freelance media educator in research and practice, Leipzig
2017-2021: Doctoral and postgraduate studies: Qualitative educational and social research, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
2012-2015: Master's degree in Communication and Media Studies, specializing in Media Education, University of Leipzig
2009-2012: Bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies, University of Leipzig
Selected publications
Haubold, Rebekka (2022 in print): Just "stealing" the concept of stakeholder? Points of contact and potentials of actor-network theory for the definition of the concept of actor and consideration of the non-human in situation analysis. In anthology: Situation analysis as a research program. Theoretical implications, research practice and examples of application. VS Verlag for Social Sciences.
Haubold, Rebekka/Elsner, Anneke/Ganguin, Sonja (in review since 2021): Changing Perspectives on Media Addiction - Problematic Computer Game Use as an Option for Action. A critical-optimistic look at the phenomenon of problematic media addiction. MedienPädagogik: Journal for theory and practice of media education.
Haubold, Rebekka (2020): "Age-Independence for Media Pedagogy". Media Studies (Medijske Studije). 10 (20). PP. 89-106. DOI: 10-20200324.
Ganguin, Sonja/Gemkow, Johannes/Haubold, Rebekka (2020): "Media criticism between media literacy and media literacy. Media and subject-specific influences on the ability to decode media criticism". Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, Henrike/Gerhardts, Lara/Kamin, Anna-Maria/Kröger, Sonja (eds.): Medienpädagogik als Schlüsseldisziplin einer digitalisierten Welt: Perspektiven aus Theorie, Empirie und Praxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Ganguin, Sonja/Gemkow, Johannes/Haubold, Rebekka (2016): Information Overload as a Challenge and Changing Point for Educational Media Literacies. In: Marques, Rui/ Batista, João (eds.): Information and Communication Overload in the Digital Age. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. S. 302-328. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2061-0.ch013.