Elmeks.digital (TP: Inclusion learning module)
Sub-project: Inclusion learning module
Digitalization and inclusion are two key cross-cutting issues in teacher training that are rarely associated with each other. However, digital media have a high inclusive potential, as they can make learning objects permanently available in different ways. The aim of the sub-project is to familiarize teachers with the potential of digital media for inclusive teaching. It focuses on the following aspects.
Using assistive technologies in everyday teaching
The learning module addresses assistive technologies whose benefits should go beyond the inclusion of learners with disabilities and provide adaptive learning environments that can potentially serve the entire classroom community.
The focus includes:
Live transcription of the classroom conversation (e.g. with AVA transcription)
Telepresence systems (avatars) and remote assistance
360° learning environments
Tactile learning environments
Artificial intelligence (e.g. for translation into sign language)
Screen readers
Learning space design
In addition, the question of how classrooms can be designed as inclusive learning spaces is addressed by paying attention to which visual and auditory barriers can arise, reflecting on movement spaces and safe spaces and ensuring a pleasant room atmosphere overall.
APPs and media for inclusive lesson design
Finally, the learning module shows how concrete applications can be used to design participatory and inclusive teaching units.
The learning module will be integrated into the existing Undimes training program.