© Michael Dziedzic

Chair of Primary Education/ Mathematical Education

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Weberplatz © Karsten Eckold

Secretary: Katrin Wilka

Mathematics didactics colloquium

Since the winter semester 22/23, the Primary School Education/Mathematics department has been holding regular mathematics didactics colloquia with invited academics.

Professors from other universities are guests at our faculty and give talks on exciting topics relating to mathematics didactics. All interested students, lecturers and teachers are cordially invited to listen to the lectures.

The dates in the summer semester 24:

  • 14.05.2024, 16:40 to 18:10, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Schönherr (The lecture will be postponed to WiSe24/25)
  • 11.06.2024, 16:40 to 18:10, Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold (hybrid, WEB 243, Weberplatz 5)

You will receive further information in due course under "The Chair" >> "News"

If you would like to be added to our mailing list for current information on the colloquium, please send an e-mail to the following address: susanne.woeller@tu-dresden.de