EMCE (Education & Migration in Central Europe)
The EMCE (Education & Migration in Central Europe) network is an international initiative focused on education and migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

About EMCE
The EMCE (Education & Migration in Central Europe) network is an international initiative focused on education and migration in Central and Eastern Europe. It includes:
- Research from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, and Ukraine
- Theories, methods, and case studies from education and migration research
- Cooperation with universities, NGOs, schools, and educational authorities
EMCE addresses various research priorities at the intersection of education and migration, including:
- Education policy in Central and Eastern Europe
- Development of inclusive teaching and learning environments
- Professionalization of educators
- "Invisible schools" as well as formal and informal education
- Labor market integration of transnational teachers
- Transnational educational mobility of students