Interview with Prof. Hartmann
There are now several study models in Germany for recruiting teachers in the vocational-technical field. KAtLA, SchulAQ and, since 2019, the OptLA project have been in existence for a few years. Three study models in Saxony that were launched by TU Dresden.
Prof. Martin Hartmann was project manager of the OptLA study option from 2019-2024. In the following interview, he answers some important questions.
"Study entry in the region (Mittweida, Zittau or Zwickau) via BA Engineering Pedagogy. After graduation, teacher training course in Dresden, with many BA course credits."
- More practice-oriented studies in the Departments
- Entry possible with a degree from a university of applied sciences
"Three aspects led to the development of the study program.
- The potential of the region should be better exploited. At the same time, we hope that graduates will then also stay in their region
- the academic training should be more practice-oriented
- Students with a university of applied sciences entrance qualification will have the opportunity to study to become a teacher."
"As this study option begins with a Bachelor's degree at a university of applied sciences, only the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences is required for the course. Vocational training or one year of professional experience in the chosen Department is recommended, as professional experience is required for the first state examination."
"The Bachelor's degree in Engineering Education is an intermediate step. This offers alternative options if you are not sure whether teaching at a vocational school center is right for you. You can start the Bachelor's degree course with a Fachhochschulreife. The Bachelor's degree course may take place in or closer to home."
- Teaching at a vocational school center
- Educational activities in a company or external environment
- Engineer in the private sector
- Start studying education in the region.
- With the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences to university studies.
- Bachelor's degree and later the state examination open up many future career options