Courses winter term 2024/25
Table of contents
Advanced seminar
Mirko Breitenstein
Heiligkeit erzählen. Heilige in Wort und Bild [Narrating holiness. Saints in word and image]
Place: GER/39/U
Time: Thursday, 2. DS (9:20 - 10:50 a.m.)
OPAL course
Christian culture has known people of special, divine election since its beginnings. These people have an outstanding effect - both in life and after their death: be it through their exemplary character, be it through suffering or death, be it through miracles. Martin of Tours, Clare or Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Thuringia and Charlemagne are examples of a whole heaven of saints. The seminar will look at texts and images that tell of the work of the saints. We want to examine what was said about saints and what significance these stories still have today when we look at our cultural heritage.
Offered for the following modules:
Teaching degree new SO (from WS 23/24)
Teaching degree old SO (until WS 23/24)
MA degree programs
PhF-Hist-MA-SM1, PhF-Hist-MA-SM3, PhF-Hist-MA-FMEW, PhF-Hist-MA-FMSW
Reading course
Mirko Breitenstein
Reading course: Sources on the Archbishop of Cologne Anno II. [Quellen zum Kölner Erzbischof Anno II.]
Location: SE1/101/U
Time: Thursday, 3rd DS (11:10 - 12:40)
OPAL course
Anno II was one of the highest ecclesiastical representatives of his time. As Archbishop of Cologne from 1056 to 1075, he determined the fate of imperial politics as well as that of his diocese. Soon after his death, he was venerated as a saint. A whole series of texts are owed to this veneration, which will be read and analyzed in the course of the event.
Teaching degree old SO (until WS 23/24)
MA degree programs