DAAD Eastern Partnerships
Table of contents
Eastern Partnerships - Call for applications for study and research stays

Universität Wroclaw
The DAAD program “Eastern Partnerships” supports German universities
in strengthening their partnerships with institutes of higher education in Cent-
ral Eastern, Southeastern and Eastern Europe as well as the Caucasus and Cen-
tral Asia. Academic exchange and scientific cooperation play equal roles and
contribute to sustainably improving the conditions for teaching and research.
“Eastern Partnerships“ contributes to the development of international relations through education and research, the spread and promotion of the German language abroad, and conflict management.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Division annually announces scholarships for study and research stays at partner universities. Due to our strategic partnerships, stays at the following universities will be preferred:
Moreover, application for funding for study and research stays is possible as well at the following universities:
St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Russian Federation
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation
Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (KPI), Ukraine.
Please find the full call here: Download (German version).
Which stays are supported?
Funding is available for shorter study and research stays that take place in 2021. The purpose of the stay is to strengthen or initiate cooperation between (young) scholars of the TU Dresden and the partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, during the stay, research-related work can be conducted in archives, university libraries, and at university-affiliated institutes.
Who can receive funding?
- Students, graduates, doctoral candidates, scholars, and university members of the TU Dresden for stays at partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe.
- Students, graduates, doctoral candidates, PostDocs, lecturers, scholars, and university members of the partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe for stays at the TU Dresden.
What will be funded?
Funding is available for:
- Travel expenses for students, graduates, doctoral candidates, scholars and employees of the TU Dresden for arrival and departure from their home town to the foreign host university
- Subsistence allowances for foreign students, graduates, doctoral candidates, PostDocs, lecturers, scholars, and university staff for stays at the TU Dresden
For more information on the current maximum funding rates, please click here (in German only). Please note the following update: The daily rate for foreign students and graduates has been increased to 39 EUR as of 01.08.2020.
In order to support as many measures as possible, preference is given to short-term stays of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 14 days. Longer stays can also be applied for, but may not be fully subsidized.
How can I apply?
Your application (in German or in English) should contain:
your curriculum vitae (CV)
a short description of the project linked to the objective of the research stay
a letter of support from a scholar of the partner university or of TU Dresden (from the subject area in which the project is located)
Details on duration and period of the stay.
The application deadline will end on May 31, 2021.
Please submit your application via email only to: . The selection process will take place internally. There is no legal entitlement to funding.
What special conditions do apply in 2021?
Due to the pandemic situation in the participating countries, we recommend planning physical stays only for the period starting July 2021. Please also read the DAAD's update on possibly changed funding conditions for scholarship holders.
In case of physical stays that cannot be realized as planned, the DAAD offers the option of virtual stays (in German only). In this case, the regular allowances for the stay may be paid to scholarship holders of the partner universities. This applies, for example, to participation in digital summer schools and other events in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences at TU Dresden.
A postponement of approved mobilities should be possible within the year 2021. In this case, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Unfortunately, a transfer of the scholarship into the year 2022 won't be possible.