Mar 02, 2018
Esra/Nehemia und Jesaja im Vergleich
New Publication
Maria Häusl (Hg.) Denkt nicht mehr an das Frühere! Begründungsressourcen in Esra/Nehemia und Jes 40–66 im Vergleich
Bonner Biblische Beiträge, Bd. 184 2018, 262 Seiten, gebunden € 40,– D / € 41,20 A / € 32,99 E-Book ISBN 978-3-8471-0763-7 Bonn University Press bei V&R unipress
The Books of Ezra/Nehemiah and the Book Isaiah are part of the discourse about the constitution of Israel in the post-exilic period. They differ not only in shaping the community but also in its foundations. When examining the relationship with God, the references to given traditions, the design of a common ethics and the significance of space and time the two positions can be outlined as follows. The Books of Ezra/Nehemiah refer explicitly to former traditions and base the community on the Torah as a community of remembrance and learning. Furthermore, it practices holiness towards the inside and the outside. The prophecy of Isaiah regards God as the guarantee for the community’s future, which is mostly based on righteousness, and opens itself for all people.