08.11.2024; Tagung
SWIP-Jahrestagung 2024 Strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit
Dr. Hilkje Hänel (Göttingen/Potsdam)
Dr. Daniel James (Dresden)
Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm (Dresden)
Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu (Göttingen)
Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark (Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Barbara Vetter (Berlin)

SWIP-Jahrestagung strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit am 8.11.24 an der TU Dresden
Anmeldung (mit Angabe der Abendessensteilnahme) bis zum 25.10.24 an jana.stern@tu-dresden.de
13.15 – 13.30 Willkommen
13.30 – 14.45 Strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit: Philosophische Grundlagen
- „Strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit: Die Intersektion von Klasse und Rassifizierung“ (Dr. Daniel James, Dresden)
- „Strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit und Behinderung“ (Dr. Hilkje Hänel, Potsdam/Göttingen)
14.45 – 15.30 Pause mit Kaffee und Kuchen
15.30 – 17.30 Podiumsdiskussion „Strukturelle Ungerechtigkeit an deutschen Universitäten: Was können wir tun?“
- Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm (Vize-Rektorin für Universitätskultur, Dresden)
- Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu (Vorsitzende von SWIP Germany, Göttingen)
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark (Berlin)
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Vetter (Berlin)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Tamara Jugov (Dresden)
17.30 – 18.00 Pause
18.00 – 19.30 Abendvortrag von Prof. Dr. Katharine Jenkins (Vorsitzende SWIP UK, Glasgow): “Ephemeral Women: Structural Injustice and ‘being real’”
This talk explores the ways in which structural injustice can give rise to a particular kind of vexed relationship with reality. I argue that members of the oppressed groups frequently find that the way the world seems to them is not reflected in collective practices (I focus here on the case of women in the face of widespread sexual violence), and that this experience is philosophically interesting. It can, I suggest, give rise to a felt sense of dislocation from the world, or of not being quite “real”, and I consider what this feeling might tell us about the metaphysics of gender under structural injustice. To help me explore this, I turn to fiction, specifically to not–quite–human feminised figures that are found in science fiction generally and in the film Blade Runner 2049 in particular. Whilst the film received some criticism for its portrayal of women, I argue that a feminist reading is available. On this reading, the film’s treatment of some of its feminised figures in fact captures important truths about the vexed relationship with reality that women come to have under structural injustice. I explore the hypothesis that there are inherent difficulties in portraying and critiquing this phenomenon, such that the widespread interpretation of the film as simply replicating sexism is not surprising. This gives us cause for caution when exploring the relationship philosophically, though not, I suggest, grounds for pessimism about our ability ultimately to shed light on it.
19.30 – 22.00 Drinks und Snacks im Venue
Weitere Informationen zu SWIP (Society for Women in Philosophy) https://swip-philosophinnen.org/

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (BMBF-Projekt Bildersturm)
NameJana Tabea Stern M.A.
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Professur für Praktische Philosophie (Prof. Dr. Tamara Jugov)
Professur für Praktische Philosophie (Prof. Dr. Tamara Jugov)
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