Feb 07, 2020
Professorship for Macro-Sociology: Perspectives on Meaningful Work - Workshop 21st and 22nd February 2020
Do employees see any meaning in their paid work? Do they see even an important contribution to society in their employment? Then again how does paid work and images of Meaningful Work affect subjects? And how are employees perceptions embedded in social structures? These and further questions will be discussed at the workshop "Perspectives on Meaningful Work" taking place on 21st and 22nd February 2020 at the Technical University Dresden, Institute of Sociology. Sociologists from Great Britain, Austria and Germany will present their research results and receive comments by their colleagues.
The event is open to the public, with advance registration requested.
Fr, 21.2.2020 16:00 Uhr - Sa, 22.02.2020 14:00 Uhr
Institut für Soziologie, Bürogebäude Falkenbrunnen, Raum FAL 232
Chemnitzer Str. 46a,
01187 Dresden
Read more here.