Nov 27, 2020
Webinar: "A meta-analysis of female-headed household studies in Iran"
Dr. Malihe Shiyani, Director of the Centre for Women Studies, University of Teheran & Hanan Zare, PhD candidate in Social Development Studies, University of Teheran
In recentyears, there has been a significant increase in female-headed households in many developed and developing countries. More than one-third of households composed of women due to divorce, never married, and immigration. The method used in this study is a meta-analysis of 59 articles and theses related to the topic of female-headed households. The four dimensions of economic status, education and skills, social networks and relationships, and mental health have shown that female-headed households first and most important concerns are economic and employment problems.
Other significant problems for these women include among others: health and mental problems, illiteracy, lack of security in social interactions, violence in relationships, social exclusion, and little legal protection. Female-headed households have to play multiple roles in society that often conflict with each other, causing them to have physical, psychological, economic, communication, and many other problems. Therefore, it is recommended that supportive institutions and policymakers intervene to develop protective programs to improve these women's economic, physical, and psychological well-being.
For more Information and access to the talk, see the anouncement: