Topics for final theses
At the Chair, Bachelor's, Master's and Diplom theses are supervised that address sociological or social science issues using quantitative methods or a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. In addition, the theses may include a methodological development.
Social science examples of topics:
- gender roles
- migration
- culture and values
- digitalisation and use of technology
- attitude and behaviour
- motivation and action
- social cognition
- attitude to surveys
- social media
- democracies in Europe
- social groups and group dynamics
These topics can be addressed by means of secondary analyses, experimental studies, evaluations, intercultural comparisons or meta-analyses. Furthermore, it is possible to conduct observations, Delphi studies, qualitative and quantitative content analyses.
Possible methodological topics:
- response behaviour
- measurement quality
- methodology for conducting surveys
- intercultural comparisons
- analysis of the measurement quality of existing instruments
- analysis of the quality of samples in existing survey data
- interviewer effects
A Bachelor's thesis should consist of about 40 pages and a Master's or Diplom thesis should be about 70 pages long. You can find further information on writing theses here.
Are you interested? Please contact Prof. Dr. Natalja Menold to discuss your specific topic.