Jun.-Prof. Susann Wagenknecht, PhD
Table of contents
Junior Professor
NameSusann Wagenknecht
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since November 2019 | Susann Wagenknecht holds the Junior Professorship in Micro-Sociology and Techno-Social Interaction at the Institute of Sociology of Technische Universität Dresden. |
February-March 2018 | Susann visited the DEMAND Centre at Lancaster University |
2015-2019 | She held a position as post-doctoral research associate at the Department for Social Sciences at the University of Siegen, where she worked with Prof. Jörg Potthast |
2010-2014 | Susann Wagenknecht obtained her dissertation (title: A Social Epistemology of Research Groups) from Aarhus University, Denmark, where she worked with Prof. Hanne Andersen at the Centre for Science Studies |
2008-2010 |
Susann completed her BA in Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder, 2003-2008) and obtained her MA in History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science from Bielefeld University (2008-2010). As a student, Susann visited Warsaw University and EHESS, Paris. |
Workshop and Conference Organization
Valuing Data: Attaching online data to stakes, selves, and other data , 2 May 2024, In: Valuation Studies. 11, 1, p. 60-90, 31 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Evaluation of Sustainability in Basic Research - Insights from an interdisciplinary research initiative , 2024, 15 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Preprint/documentation/report > Working paper
Mobility as a Resource (MaaR) for resilient human-centric automation - a vision paper , 2024, In: Data Science for Transportation. 7, p. 3-11, 8 p., 1Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Situating machine learning: On the calibration of problems in practice , 25 Feb 2023, In: Distinktion : scandinavian journal of social theory. 24, 2, p. 315-337, 23 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
From Sustainable Urban Transport to Responsible Urban Mobility: Function, Form, Fairness, Forever. , 2022, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies. Abraham, M. A. (ed.). London: Elsevier, Oxford [u.a.], p. 379-391Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Ungewissheit als praktisches Phänomen , 2022, Praxis und Ungewissheit. Zur Alltäglichkeit sozial-ökologischer Krisen. Altstaedt, S., Fladvad, B. & Hasenfratz, M. (eds.). Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, p. 29-54Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
The moral work of timing mobilities: ‘limited insight’ and truncated worth in municipal traffic management , 4 Sep 2020, In: Mobilities. 15, 5, p. 694-707, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
On time: temporal and normative orderings of mobilities , 2 Sep 2020, In: Mobilities. 15, p. 635-646Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to specialist publication > Special issue article/Contribution
"Raus aus dem Labor!" Rezension zu „Keeping Autonomous Driving Alive. An Ethnography of Visions, Masculinity and Fragility“ von Göde Both , 2020, In: SoziopolisResearch output: Contribution to journal > Book/Film review (Recension)
Zur Normativität von Praktiken , 2020, In: Berliner Journal fur Soziologie. 30, p. 259-286Research output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Presentations (since 2015)
“Das smart home unter Beobachtung – vernetzte Privatheit und ihre Störung“ (The smart home under surveillance—networked privacy and its disruption)
presentation at the first TUDiSC conference, TU Dresden, March 31-April 1, 2022
„Re-forming plastic recycling, scaling post-industrial activism” / presentation at the international conference The un/making of forms (co-organized with Ingmar Lippert and Ann-Kristin Kühnen), TU Dresden, September 2/3, 2021
"Zur Normativität von Praktiken - Implikationen & Perspektiven" / Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Kerstin Rabenstein, professor at Arbeitsbereich Schulpädagogik/Empirische Unterrichtsforschung und Schulentwicklung, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, June 17, 2021
“Disruptions of networked privacy” / presentation at Conversations on the Social Embeddedness of Digital Technologies (organized by Susanne Boll and Jannika Mattes) / Research Training Group SEAS, Universität Oldenburg, April 20, 2021
„Digitalisierung als In-/Formalisierung“ / presentation with Ingmar Lippert at the session of the section Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung: Wissenschafts- und Techniksoziologie in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft: Theorien, Methoden, Perspektiven (organized by Martina Franzen, Petra Lucht, Jan-Felix Schrape and Cornelius Schubert) / autumn conference of the DGS section for Science and Technology Studies in co-operation with KWI Essen, December 10/11, 2020
"E/valuations here/elsewhere: re-assembling worth in the coal phase-out" / paper at the panel Fossil Legacies – Re-Assembling Work, Gender and Technology in the Coal Phase Out (organized by Jeremias Herburg and Thomas Turnbull) / 4S/EASST, Prag, August 18-21, 2020
"Überlegungen zur Topologie des Lausitzer Kohleausstiegs" (Thoughts on the topology of fossil fuel phase out in Lusatia) / presentation at the panel Ländliche Räume im Spannungsfeld – wovon eigentlich? Neuere Forschungen zu territorialen Ungleichheiten jenseits der Stadt-Land-Dichotomie (organized by Annett Steinführer and Lutz Laschewski) / biannual meeting of the German Sociological Association (DGS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Berlin, September 14-25, 2020
"The many worths of water: Exercises in Data/Politics" / Workshop at MachineRoom@RustLab, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, June 18, 2020
“Komplizenschaft in Zwischenräumen” (Complicity in interspaces) / presentation at Quo vadis feminist STS?, interdisciplinary workshop (organized by Sahra Dornick, Mike Laufenberg, and Petra Lucht) at TU Berlin, Germany, June 13/14, 2019
“Gesellschaft als Lebensform” (Society als form of life) / presentation at Sozialwissenschaften – mit oder ohne ‚Gesellschaft‘?, interdisciplinary workshop (organized by Heike Delitz, Julian Müller, and Hilmar Schäfer) at LMU München, Germany, May 24/25, 2019
“The weave of rules—the materiality, relationality, and interconnectedness of rules in practice” / piece of thought presented at Connecting Practices at Centre for Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand (DEMAND), Lancaster University, UK, April 15/16, 2019
"Traffic lights—tempo-normative orderings in infrastructure maintenance" / presentation at “On Time—Temporal and Moral Orderings of Mobility”, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, September 13, 2018
"Accommodating algorithms: Rules, regularities, and infrastructural power in municipal traffic management" / Centre for Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand (DEMAND), Lancaster University, UK, February 21, 2018
"Soziologische Normativität -- Soziologische Theorien der Normativität und deren normative Implikationen" / presentation at a workshop organized by Arbeitskreise Normen und Normativität of the section Soziologische Theorie of the German Sociological Association (DGS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Fulda, July 14-15, 2017
"Friction in Arenas of Repair" / presentation at 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'17), Portland, Oregon, USA, February 25 – March 1, 2017
"The morality of stop and go---rule enactment in traffic signaling" / presentation at the symposium Philosophy of Technology and Technological Mediation, University of Twente, November 17, 2016
"Infrastrukturelle Öffnung am Beispiel von Mobilfunk-Hacking" / presentation at the biennual conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Bamberg, September 26 to 30, 2016
"Der temporär verdichtete Wechsel von offen/geschlossen als stadt-infrastrukturelle Leistung" / presentation at the biennual conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Bamberg, September 26 to 30, 2016
"Hacking, industry, and their struggles over mobile phone infrastructure" / presentation at the 4S/EASST conference in Barcelona, August 31 to September 3, 2016
"Hacking as transgressive infrastructuring" / presentation at Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW'16), San Francisco, February 27 to March 2, 2016
"Casing als Prozess: Wie sich im Forschungsverlauf verändert, was ein Fall ist, kann und soll" (Casing as process) / presentation at Von Fall zu Fall. Zur Bedeutung des Falls in der qualitativen Sozialforschung (From case to case. The meaning of cases in qualitative research), conference of the section Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung at the German Sociological Association (DGS, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie), Berlin, March 18/19, 2016
"Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation---how hacking is perceived in the social sciences" / presentation at Chaos Communications Congress (32C3), Hamburg, December 29, 2015
Conferences, Workshops, Panels
“How to publish your qualitative data in an English-language journal as a non-native speaker”
doctoral workshop at the Tübingen Summer School Writing Qualitative Research, University of Tübingen, August 1-2, 2022
“Conspiracy, coterie, contagion and other not-so-good relations” / panel at 4S conference Good Relations. Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds in Toronto, October 6, 2021
„The un/making of forms. Formographic inquiries into practice, accountability, and infra-critique” / International conference co-organized with Ingmar Lippert and Ann-Kristin Kühnen, TU Dresden, September 2/3, 2021
"Casings - connecting ideas and materials throughout the research process" / doctoral workshop at Munic Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), TU München, November 25, 2020
"Ordering Mobilities -- Zur Planung, Steuerung und Unterhaltung von Mobilitäten in interdisziplinärer Perspektive" / interdisciplinary workshop, co-organized with Thomas Klinger, at the Deutschen Kongress für Geographie 2019, Kiel, Germany, September 25-30, 2019
"On Time---Temporal and normative ordering of mobilities" / workshop co-organized with Claudio Coletta, Jörg Potthast and Tobias Röhl, Siegen, September 13-14, 2018
"Caring, Negotiating and Tinkering for IT In/Security" / panel co-organized with Laura Kocksch, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Andreas Poller, Estrid Sørensen at EASST2018, Lancaster, UK, July 25-28, 2018
"The Practice Turn in IT Security—Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Making of IT Security" / workshop co-organized with Laura Kocksch, Matthias Korn and Andreas Poller, Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), Bochum, July 20-21, 2017
"Theory transfers? Social theory and CSCW research" / workshop co-organized with Ingrid Erickson, Carsten Østerlund, Melissa Mazmanian, Pernille Bjørn at Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW'17), Portland, Oregon, USA, February 25, 2017
"Algorithms at Work" / workshop co-organized with Ming Kyung Lee, Caitlin Lustig, Jacki O'Neill und Himanshu Zade at Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW'16), San Francisco, February 28, 2016
"Empirical philosophy of science: qualitative methods" / International conference co-organized with Hanne Andersen, Sandbjerg, Denmark, 21-23 March 2012
Teaching at TU Dresden
- winter 2022/23: Themenfelder der Soziologie (BA)
- winter 2022/23: Einführung in die Mikrosoziologie (BA)
- winter 2022/23: Research Colloquium
- summer 2022: Mikrosoziologische Perspektiven auf Umweltprobleme und ihre Bearbeitung (BA)
- summer 2022: Mikrosoziologie als Experiment (BA)
- winter 2021/22: Themenfelder der Soziologie (BA)
- winter 2021/22: Einführung in die Mikrosoziologie (BA)
- winter 2021/22: Research Colloquium
summer 2021: Makulinität und Fürsorge in der Herstellung von IT-Sicherheit (BA)
- summer 2021: Beziehungsarbeit - Einführung in die mikrosoziologische Wissenschaftsforschung (BA)
- winter 2020/21: Themenfelder der Soziologie (BA) mit Proseminar
- winter 2020/21: Research Colloquium
- summer 2020: Techniksoziologie der Nicht-/Benutzung (MA) mit Übung
- winter 2019/20: Technology at Work (MA)
- winter 2019/20: Techniksoziologie der Nicht-/Benutzung (MA)
Teaching at the University of Siegen
- summer 2019: Love, pity, care (MA)
- summer 2019: Cyborgs -- Einführung in die feministische Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (BA)
- winter 2018/19: Regeln, Normen, Algorithmen (MA)
- winter 2018/19: Soziologische Theorie (BA)
- winter 2017/18: Neue Arbeitsformen und ihre Kritik am Beispiel von crowdworking (BA), mit Thomas Güte (Vertretung)
- winter 2017/18: Soziologische Theorie (BA), mit Max Breger (Vertretung)
- summer 2017: Übung zur Einführung in die Soziologie (BA)
- summer 2017: Arbeit in, mit und für die Öffentlichkeit (BA)
- winter 2016/17: Wie arbeiten Infrastrukturen? (MA)
- winter 2016/17: Soziologische Theorie (BA)
- summer 2016: Techniksoziologie (BA)
- summer 2016: Überwachung am Arbeitsplatz (MA)
- winter 2015/16: Grundlagen und Wandel der Arbeitsgesellschaft (BA)
- winter 2015/16: Technik- und Sozialtheorie (MA)
Journals: Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie, American Sociological Review, New Media and Society, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
Conferences: Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’16, CHI’17), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’18)