Center for the Study of Constitutionalism and Democracy
The ZVD is a scientific institution within the Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought at TU Dresden under the leadership of Professor Dr. Hans Vorländer.

About the ZVD
As an interdisciplinary research centre, the ZVD aims to further the scientific exchange between the legal, historical, social and political sciences within the field of constitutionalism and democracy research and promote international networking.
The ZVD is a forum for fundamental theoretical and empirical research into the creation and development of democratic constitutional order as well as the ideas of constitutionalism and democracy.
The core areas of research for the ZVD are the role of the constitution as a medium and point of reference for societal integration, the change of democratic constitutional orders subject to the conditions of 21st century global society as well as the different European constitutional cultures and the future conditions of regional and transnational spaces.
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