Here you can find a list of past activities, including talks, workshops, and conferences, as well as guest lectures.
with Laura Handl. “Manifesting the ‘We’: Affective Collaboration between Practices of Sharing and Traitorous Cooperations.” Panel “Affect and 21st-Century (Radical) Feminist Manifestos.” Visiblity. 2025 MLA Annual Convention. New Orleans, La., US, 01/2025.
“Meta-Myth.” Workshop The Myths that Made America: Teaching American Studies. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE, invited, 10/2024.
with Laura Handl. “Solidifying Solidarities—Formalizing Self-reflexivity and Self-positioning in the Genre of Meta-manifesto.” Panel “Collaboration, Solidarity, Animal Agency and Care as Affordances of Self-Reflexivity.” Recentring Form(s) in and of the Margins: The Politics of Self-Reflexivity. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE, 04/2024.
„Verschränkte Feminismen um 1800 und danach: Revolution – Transnationalität – Kolonialität”. Talk as part of the lecture series Parisiennes - Citoyennes! Feministische Kämpfe seit der Französischen Revolution, Institute of Romance Studies, TU Dreden, DE, 01/2024.
“The Time in/of the Manifesto as Genre.” Lecture Series Literature and Future. TU Dresden, DE, 12/2023.
“Contemporary Manifestos between Disruption, Individualized Well-being, and Communal Care.” Panel “The Manifesto in Image, Text, and Movement. Solidarity: What Love Looks Like in Public. Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Montréal, Québec, CA, 11/2023.
“De/Constructing Binaries. Wolfgang Tillmans im Pastellkabinett.“ Galeriegespräch | Blickwechsel der Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann. Zwinger, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden-concept partner), DE, invited, 09/2023.
“The Upsurge of the Manifesto in Contemporary Debates on Diversity in the United States, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.” Project presentation with Laura Handl in panel “Research Window: Insights into Current DeMarg-relevant Projects.” Tracing Forms of De/Marginalization. International conference of the European Research Network on Discourses of Marginality and Demarginalizations (DeMarg 5), TU Dresden, DE, 06/2023.
“The Recent Upsurge of the Manifesto, or: Who Owns the Means of Disruption?” Panel “Copyright, Cultural Production, and Objects of Ownership: Examining Legal, Cultural, and Literary Manifestations of Ownership in the Cultural Sphere.” America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee. 67th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies, University of Rostock, DE, 06/2023.
“What Is (American) Diversity Studies All About?” Academic Week. Sächsisches Landesgymnasium Sankt Afra zu Meißen—Hochbegabtenförderung [Saxon State High School for Gifted Students], Meißen, DE, invited, 02/2022.
“The Power/lessness of Form: Queer and Feminist Manifestos.” Lecture Series Power and Powerlessness. TU Dresden, DE, 11/2022.
- Junker, Carsten. “Queer and Feminist Critique and the Manifesto as Form: Between Innovation and Iteration.” Faculty of Humanities, Bar-Illan University, IL, 06/2022.
- Junker, Carsten. “The ‘Essay Manifesto’ between Arts and Politics: Claiming De-subjectification.” From the Scenic Essay to the Essay Exhibition: Expanding the Essay Form in the Arts. Ghent University, BE, 04/2022.
- Junker, Carsten. “The Manifesto as Form: Queering the Subject of Polemical Writing?” Activist Writing—The Pamphlet in Practice, History, Media, and the Public Sphere. LMU Munich, DE, 02/2022.
- Junker, Carsten. “The Lure of Dates in American Cultural Historiography: 1619/1776/1865.” Lecture Series Ruptures and Discontinuities: Past and Present. TU Dresden, DE, 01/2022.
- Junker, Carsten. “Black—Jewish—White: And The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel?” Weiter sehen: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Tagung, TU Dresden, DE, 09/2021.
- Junker, Carsten. “Rethinking the Authority of Experience: Mobile Field Noting as a Method of American Diversity Studies.” Participation in American Culture and Society. 67th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies, Heidelberg University. DE, 06/2021.
- Junker, Carsten. “Beginnings and Endings: The Recruiting Station as Symbolic Military Place.” 20/20 Vision: Citizenship, Space, Renewal. Conference of the European Association for American Studies. University of Warsaw, PL, 05/2021.
- Junker, Carsten. What Is “Racial Identity”—and Does It Even Exist?” Lecture Series Identity(-ies)/Identification(s). TU Dresden, DE, 12/2020.
- Junker, Carsten. “Male Bodies Dancing on Counter Tops: Secrets on Display.” Konferenz Metropolitan Masculinities: Narratives of Gender and Urban Space. Ruhr University Bochum, DE, 11/2019.
- Junker, Carsten. “Notes on the Interview.” Workshop The Interview: Form, Praxis, Epistemology. TU Dresden, DE, 11/2019.
- Junker, Carsten. “Liberty’s Kids’ Violence and Diversity: the American Revolution as Education and Popular Entertainment.” U.S. American Culture as Popular Culture. 66th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies. Universität Hamburg, DE, 06/2019.
- Junker, Carsten. “Haunting the Monstrous President: Reinstating High-culture Notions of Authorship in Contemporary Political Satire.” American Counter/Publics. 65th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies. Free University Berlin, DE, 05/2018.
- Junker, Carsten, and Ingo H Warnke. “Talking about the Unspeakable as Meta-Ethic Commentary.” Talk and Silence: Language in Colonial Contexts. The American University in Cairo, EG, 02/2018.
- Junker, Carsten. “Gaby Dietze in Bewegung” (with Karin Esders). Hartgesotten Hegemoniekritisch [Hardboiled Hegemony-critical]. Symposium in honor of Gabriele Dietze and Dorothea Dornhof HU Berlin, DE, 01/2017.
- Junker, Carsten. “Rereading the Archive of Early Abolition: Black Atlantic Writing in a Hemispheric Scope.” Home/Not Home: Centering American Studies Where We Are. Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Denver, Colo., US, 11/2016.
- Junker, Carsten. “Abolitionist Epistolarity.” Mobilising Memory: Creating African Atlantic Identities. Eleventh Conference of the Collegium for African American Research. Liverpool Hope University, UK, 06/2015.
- Junker, Carsten. “Containing Bodies—Scandalizing Enslavement: Stasis and Movement at the Juncture between Slave-Ship Images and Texts.” Migrating the Black Body: The African Diaspora and Visual Culture. VolkswagenStiftung International Symposium. Julius-Maximilians University-Würzburg/Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, DE, 09/2014.
- Junker, Carsten. “Black Men’s Dying Speeches—Discursive Procedures of Converting Crime in Abolitionism.” Dreams Deferred, Promises and Struggles: Perceptions and Interrogations of Empire, Nation, and Society by Peoples of African Descent. Tenth Conference of the Collegium for African American Research. Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, US, 03/2013.
- Junker, Carsten. “Narrating Family Lives—Religion, Slavery, Revolution in Samuel West’s Memoirs (1807).” American Lives. 59th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies. University of Mainz, DE, 06/2012.
- Junker, Carsten. “Wie ‚den’ transnationalen englischsprachigen Roman lesen?” Lecture Series: MA Transnational Literary Studies. University of Bremen, DE, 11/2011.
- Junker, Carsten. “Benjamin Franklin, Satire, and Affect.” American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., US, 08/2011.
- Junker, Carsten. “Reading about and Feeling for Others: The Social Effects of Abolitionist Writing.” Thirteenth International Congress of Eighteenth-Century Studies. University of Graz, AT, 07/2011.
- Junker, Carsten. “Abolition and Affect.” Black States of Desire. Ninth Conference of the Collegium for African American Research. Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, FR, 04/2011.
- Junker, Carsten. “Slavery at Monticello: 19th-Century Literary Responses to the Jefferson-Hemings Controversy.” Institute for English and American Studies, University of Klagenfurt, AT, 03/2010.
- Junker, Carsten. “Zora Neale Hurston: Genre Matters.” Institute for English and American Studies, University of Klagenfurt, AT, 03/2010.
- Junker, Carsten. “Toward an Abolitionist Revision of Humanist Knowledge.” Education, Development, Freedom. Fourth International Symposium in the Duke-Bremen-Amsterdam Series. The Center for Global Studies and the Humanities (CGSH). Duke University, US, 02/2010.
- Pauder, Anna. "Malevolent Mothers and Distracted Children Maternity as a Discursive Construct during the Salem Witch Trials." 6. Nachwuchskolloquium zur Geschlechterforschung. GenderConceptGroup. TU Dresden, DE, 12/2021.
- International Conference Manifesto Now! Purposes and Effects of an Escalating Form in the US and Beyond. TU Dresden, 07/2024.
- Dresden Diversity Research Lab III: "Politics and Perspectives of Indigeneity." 06/2024.
- International Conference Tracing Forms of De/Marginalization, European Reserach Network on Marginality and Demarginalization (DeMarg), TU Dresden, 06/2023,
- "Diversity Chic? Popular Culture between Empowerment and Exploitation.” 11/2021. Link to poster
- “Weiter sehen – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Dresdner Serienforschung: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” Co-hosted with Chair of North American Studies. 09/2021.
- Dresden Diversity Research Lab II: “Young Adult Literature.” 07/2021.
- Dresden Diversity Research Lab I: “Superhero Comics.” 05/2021.
- Workshop “The Interview: Form, Practice, Epistemology.” 11/2019. Link to poster
- Lecture by Prof. Sandra Petrulionis (English and American Studies, Pennsylvania State University): “Radicalizing the American Transcendentalists: The Antislavery Movement in Alcott’s and Thoreau’s Concord,” 06/2023.
- Lecture by Prof. Michelle M. Wright (English, Emory University, Ga., US): “Blackness and Time.” Lecture in framework of Lecturer on Tour Program, funded by U.S. Consulate General Leipzig, 06/2022.
- Roundtable discussion with U.S. Consul General Ken Toko: “President Biden's First Year in Office and the State of the Transatlantic Relationship.” Co-organized with U.S. Consulate General Leipzig, 02/2022.
- Lecture by Prof. Thomas Allen (English, University of Ottawa, CA): “Queer Temporalities,” 05/2019.