Ecoterrorism in/as Speculative Fiction | Keynote by Moritz Ingwersen and Anja Lind @ Ecoterrorism in Anglophone Media Conference | TU Dortmund Nov 13
"Ecoterrorism" in/as Speculative Fiction: Historical Complications and John Brunner's The Sheep Look Up
Moritz Ingwersen & Anja Lind
TU Dortmund
Ecoterrorism in Anglophone Media Conference
Nov 11-13, 2025
The aim of this talk is to trace—and in the process to complicate—the genealogy of ecoterrorism as a motif of speculative fiction. As a discursive object, ecoterrorism, and the type of environmentalist action and rhetoric the term has come to be associated with, co-emerges with the rise of environmental SF in the 1970s. By contextualizing environmental activism in and through contemporary SF within a historical formation that directly links the 70s to the 2020s, this talks hopes to draw out some of the continuities and transformations in the ways in which ecoterrorism continues to be imagined, contested, reified, and deconstructed.
More on the conference: https://islk.kuwi.tu-dortmund.de/ecoterrorism/