Dec 19, 2023; Reading
Italian Climate Change FictionReading and Discussion: Chiara Mezzalama on "Dopo la pioggia" (2021)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller (TU Dresden)

Titelbild "Dopo la pioggia"
Chiara Mezzalama on Dopo la pioggia (2021)
On 19th December, we are delighted to welcome Italian author, translator, and psychotherapist Chiara Mezzalama as a guest in our digital event series. Mezzalama will engage in a literary conversation with Prof Dr Elisabeth Tiller, discussing her work, "Dopo la pioggia." The novel, which centres around a relationship in crisis, features a climatic catastrophe in the Italian capital, prompting compelling questions about the connection between people and the environment. This work of fiction has been nominated for the 2021 Premio Strega award. Jhumpa Lahiri's citation states: "Mezzalama ha realizzato un romanzo straordinariamente attuale, eppure, nella sua specificità, si nutre di mitologia e di una dimensione astratta attraverso la quale questa famiglia affranta diventa ogni famiglia, e questa Roma travolta dalla tempesta diventa ogni luogo sulla terra."
Reading and discussion in Italian (with German translation).
Please register to attend.