Jan 23, 2024; Talk
Italian Climate Change FictionProf Dr Marco Caracciolo (University of Ghent) on Contemporary Fiction and Climate Uncertainty: Narrating Unstable Futures (2022)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller (TU Dresden) / Jun.-Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen (TU Dresden)
Prof Dr Marco Caracciolo (University of Ghent) on Contemporary Fiction and Climate Uncertainty: Narrating Unstable Futures (2022)
On 23rd January 2024, Professor Dr Marco Caracciolo, Associate Professor at the University of Ghent, will conclude our series of events on climate fiction with a guest lecture. The topic of his talk will be based on his book Contemporary Fiction and Climate Uncertainty. Narrating Unstable Futures is a 2022 publication that explores the impact of reading literary narratives on our ability to handle uncertainty in the face of an impending catastrophe.
Lecture and discussion in Italian, German and English.
Please register in advance.