Apr 26, 2024
Book Launch: Sprache ist, was du draus machst (May 2, 2024, Riesa Efau)
Language surrounds us every day. It helps us to establish relationships with other people and define ourselves. It is a means of expression, an art form and the basis of our communication. How we should use language to shape our social coexistence and the responsibility that comes with it is currently the subject of intense debate.
Linguist Simon Meier-Vieracker, Chair of Applied Linguistics at TU Dresden and well-known "Lingfluencer" on TikTok, is celebrating the premiere of his book "Sprache ist, was du draus machst" (Droemer Verlag) in the engine hall of Riesa Efau. From dialects and writing in social media to election campaign language and the debates surrounding gendering - Simon Meier-Vieracker gives an entertaining and vivid account of what linguistics has to say on these issues.
Riesa Efau, Wachsbleichstraße 4a, 01067 Dresden
19:00 - 21:00
Followed by a reception and book signing. Admission is free.