Research sources for bibliography
Regesta Imperii
(so-called RI-Opac)
The RI-Opac is a freely accessible literature database for medieval research in the entire European language area, covering all disciplines.
Here you will find references to all historical disciplines from late antiquity to the early modern period.
Bibliography of German Linguistics and Literature
(so-called BDSL-online or also Eppelsheimer-Köttelwesch)
The Eppelsheimer-Köttelwesch, as the bibliography is abbreviated after its founders, focuses on literary studies. The database primarily indexes international secondary literature in German studies (monographs, journal articles, reviews, Festschriften).
You only have limited access to BDSL via the Internet, which means that only the reporting years from 1985 to 2000 are available for your search!
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
(sor. SLUB)
You can only gain full access to the database by logging in to your user account via the subject data service of the SLUB (Saxon State and University Library Dresden).