Master programs
Table of contents
- Subject-specific Master's degree course in Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies / Romance Studies sub-subject
- Double Master's program Dresden-Trento - doppia laurea
- Master European Languages (EuroS)
- Master's degree program Romance Studies - French, Italian, Spanish (before 1.10.2013, expiring)
Subject-specific Master's degree course in Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies / Romance Studies sub-subject
(as of 01.10.2013)
Brief information on the sub-subject Romance Studies in the Master's degree program in Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
1. basic structure of the degree program
- Basic structure: Romance Studies sub-subject + supplementary area
- Partial subject Romance Studies: specialization of your choice - French or Italian; linguistics, literature or cultural studies (in the field of linguistics, specialization in Spanish is also possible in combination with French or Italian); all combinations are possible
- Supplementary area: specialization of your choice - foreign languages (French or Italian if not studied in the sub-subject, all other languages offered in SLK or TUDIAS); specialist training (courses from SLK, PhilFak, TUDIAS according to the handbook)
- Ratio of sub-subject to supplementary area of study: 75% to 25% (90 CP sub-subject + 30 CP supplementary area = 120 CP total)
2. duration of study
- Standard period of study 4 semesters (incl. work abroad, Master's thesis)
- Start of studies always WS
3. forms of teaching and learning / structure of the program
- Subject matter = modularly structured
Taught in the following forms: Lectures (VL), seminars (S), language learning seminars (SLS), consultations (KON), study abroad (AA), independent study - Modular structure in the sub-subject
1st year
3 compulsory elective modulesspecializations (3 out of 7) = specialization; 1 lecture + 1 class per module
1 compulsory elective module in language practice (1 out of 2) = French or Italian; 3 SLS per module
2nd year
2 compulsory elective modules in specializations (2 out of 7) = expansion; 1VL + 1S per module
1 compulsory elective module Intercultural Competence and Scientific Presentation (1 out of 2) = French or Italian; per module AA + 1SLS+1KON
- Modular structure in the supplementary area
Depending on the student's choice, up to 5 further modules
4. examinations
- Examinations = modular
- Master's examination = all module examinations sub-subject / supplementary area + Master's thesis
- Types of examinations: Combined work (usually presentation + term paper), short examinations (homework, protocols, thesis papers), language exam, combined language exam, report, exposé, colloquium
- Master's thesis in the last semester (17 weeks, 20 CP)
5. study abroad
- At least 4 CP (= at least 4 weeks of 30 hours each)
- with proof of study-related activity
- Previous stays abroad can be credited if applicable
6. admission requirements
- Relevant BA degree or comparable degree (at least 60 CP in the core area)
- Language skills French C1.1, Italian B2
- no tuition fees
7. enrolment modalities
- Online enrolment
- BA certificate can be submitted by the end of the 1st semester if proof of 80% CPs is provided Form confirmation of academic achievements
- All Master SLK and EUROS regulations
- Examination numbers and module overview (e.g. registration of individual
examinations) - Examination Office
- FAQ Master SLK, sub-subject Romance Studies