Научный журнал славистики (ZfSl)
The Zeitschrift für Slawistik (ZfSl), which has existed since 1956, is one of the leading specialist Slavic journals and is co-edited by the Institute.The journal publishes German and English language articles on a wide range of Slavic topics, covering language and literature, media and culture in Slavia, including German-Slavic linguistic, literary, and cultural interrelations in their European contexts. The journal is open to all literary, cultural, and linguistic paradigms.
Reviews inform about current developments in international Slavic research, conference proceedings about important academic conferences.
The editors of the journal are: Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße (managing director), Professor Dr. Bernhard Brehmer, Prof. Dr. Christian Prunitsch and Prof. Dr. Klavdia Smola.
Former associate editor - Prof. Dr. Ludger Udolph.
The Zeitschrift für Slawistik is published annually in 4 issues by the publishing house De Gruyter, where it can also be ordered. You will find the current issue on the publisher's page.
Contact to the Editors

NameProf. Dr. Holger Kuße
Профессура истории славянских языков и языкознания
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, комната 217 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
- Mittwoch:
- 10:00 - 12:00
На данный момент часы приёма отменены. При необходимости контактируйте, пожалуйста, по е-мейл

NameProfessor Dr. Bernhard Brehmer
Chair of Slavic Linguistics. University of Konstanz.

NameProf. Dr. Christian Prunitsch
Профессура западнославянских литератур и культур
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, комната 218 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
- Montag:
- 11:00 - 12:00
На данный момент часы приёма отменены. При необходимости контактируйте, пожалуйста, по е-мейл

NameProfessor Dr. Klavdia Smola
Профессура славянских литератур
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, комната 219 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
- Donnerstag:
- 13:00 - 14:00
На данный момент часы приёма отменены. При необходимости контактируйте, пожалуйста, по e-mail.
Academic Editor

NameBianca Brendel
Slavische Sprachgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Submit an article
If you are planning to submit a manuscript or are already an author, you will find all the necessary information here, from writing guidelines to layout design.
The tables of contents and issues of the Zeitschrift für Slawistik since 1956 can be found on the website of the publisher Walter De Gruyter. Older articles are available open access.
For orientation purposes, you find an overview of Contents for the years since 1956: