Kommentierte Lehrveranstaltungen
Gesamtansicht – Sommersemester 2025
(Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft)
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Good Language, Bad Language
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 2. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- For a linguist, the labels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cannot meaningfully be applied to language(s), dialects, or specific usages, since they all serve their specific function(s) within their communicative contexts. The general public, however, begs to differ: many people look down upon speakers of nonstandard dialects and ridicule grammar and/or spelling mistakes, some languages are considered more ‘ugly’, ‘harsher’, or ‘sloppier’ than others, there are societies devoted to keeping the language ‘pure`, and children are told off for using slang or swear words. This course will try to close the gap between the linguistic and the everyday evaluation of language(s) and language in use by focussing on ‘bad’ language in its many forms, such as slang, swearing and taboo expressions past and present. We will further investigate the debates around instances of ‘bad’ language such as racist and sexist language, and look at the different legal norms for hate speech and free speech, censorship and freedom of expression. Finally, we will critically examine the notion of ‘purity’ with respect to language.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Pragmatics
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- More often than not, there is a gap between what we say and what we mean: we try to be polite; we use irony, sarcasm, humour; we exaggerate or resort to understatement, we speak metaphorically. The discipline of Pragmatics is concerned with studying meaning in context, trying to explain how we manage to recover speakers’ communicative intentions. We will begin by considering several approaches to the study of meaning in language and then zoom in on pragmatic theories which deal with how we create meanings in our everyday communicative interactions. Topics to be covered include politeness and impoliteness, speech acts past and present, irony, humour, intercultural pragmatics and the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Language Research Lab
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course will take you straight into the fascinating world of research on language(s). We will work together to explore different approaches to doing empirical research, among them corpuslinguistic tools and resources, methods for studying language attitudes such as surveys and dialect maps, ideas for investigating language contact phenomena and multilingualism, linguistic landscape research, and other fields that you would like to tackle – bring your ideas and interests along! We will also consider how to come up with a research hypothesis, how to handle empirical data, and how to present your research project in the form of a poster.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
(Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmLit - Ingwersen] – Atmospheric ImaginAIRies: Literature and the Elements III
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 5. Doppelstunde W48/103 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Engelmann-Kewitz] – Reading Waste
- Lehrperson
- Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 11.10.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Welcome to the Wasteocene, where waste is more than just a byproduct of modern life - it shapes our world in profound ways. From overflowing landfills, crude oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the (almost) invisible spread of microplastics and toxic pollutants, waste is a constant presence in the environment, often revealing the legacies of past societies and exposing the inequities of contemporary infrastructures. But waste is not just something we throw away. Discarded materials, elements and things, as well as the undesired byproducts of consumption, are legible, readable, and ever-present in our cultural productions, from literature and film to art and theory. This seminar will explore how waste functions as a lens for understanding colonialism, environmental degradation, and the toxicity embedded in our landscapes.
With the help of recent theories in environmental humanities, we will consider how waste is not just a physical problem but a cultural one, challenging us to rethink how we live with the discarded materials that define our age. In this advanced literary studies seminar, we will read a mix of theoretical texts and literary works that address waste, pollution, and the resulting environmental crises of our time. From fictional narratives to nonfiction accounts from the U.S. and beyond, we’ll explore possibilities to make sense of the ever-growing presence of waste in our world and what it means for the future of our planet. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - Land of the Free? Strangers, Exiles, and Refugees in the United States
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2025 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde BSS/0E49/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Debates about forced migration in a globalized world are not new but ongoing; they find their expression not least in cultural studies that draws attention to the ways in which cultural artifacts and theories raise questions about diaspora and mobility. The paradigm of “transnational American Studies” has shifted scholarly attention to issues including forced migration and displacement, as well as voluntary forms of global movement implied in a concept such as cosmopolitanism. While this wide range of transnational phenomena challenges nation-based paradigms of cultural studies, a large archive of cultural production points to the continuing relevance of the United States as a nation state. Numerous texts reinforce the significance of the US by depicting national citizenship as desirable and framing the country as a land of promise and place of arrival—as an attractive “place called home” (Doreen Massey, 1992). We will study a select number of cultural artifacts in light of current debates about migration; in a mode of research-based learning, students will develop their own research agendas that integrate transnational perspectives into American Studies scholarship.
This seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - The Public and the Private: Thinking the Social in a Spatial Way
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2024 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 7. Doppelstunde BSS/0149/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
The seminar will address dynamics of social relations and cultural differentiations in scenarios of power hierarchies through a spatial lens. Pertinent questions will be: how are social boundaries drawn along spatial lines? How are social and spatial aspects mutually constitutive of one another? How are spaces turned into socially exclusive places? What categories of social differentiation will be necessary to consider in analyzing these dynamics? The seminar will raise such questions by giving insights into historical and theoretical approaches and studies of specific examples. This concerns, for instance, the relationship between public and private spheres and its historical emergence and gendered dimensions and concepts such as “the intimate public sphere” (Lauren Berlant). It will address the drawing of boundaries between groups on grounds of race and class, including Jim Crow segregation or redlining as a practice of discrimination based on government maps that outlined areas where Black residents lived and which white investors deemed risky investments. One concept to examine in this context will be that of “safe spaces.” The disciplinary framework of the seminar is cultural studies, with a strong focus on cultural forms of expression as objects of study. Interdisciplinary approaches and positions from human geography and sociology will also be considered.
While we will meet on a weekly basis in the first half of the semester, the second part of the seminar will take place as a two-day workshop in cooperation with a seminar from Sociology; groups from both seminars will present results of their work and engage in interdisciplinary exchange.
The seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cognitive Cultural Studies
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417728/CourseNode/1721010667434410011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- According to Lisa Zunshine, the goal of cognitive cultural studies is “to understand the evolving relationship between two immensely complex, historically situated systems – the human mind and cultural artifacts, such as novels, poems, or paintings” (3). In order to do so, the field draws upon a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, philosophy of mind, or clinical psychology to comparative psychology and political science. This theory-heavy course will explore how human perception, emotion, and cognition shape – and are shaped by – cultural narratives. We will address questions such as: How do narratives structure thought? How do cognitive biases and memory shape artistic production? And how does embodied experience influence cultural interpretation?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Happiness: Desire, Promise, and Critique
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417730/CourseNode/1721010667466098011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
What does it mean to be happy, and who gets to define happiness? This seminar will explore the construction of happiness as a cultural and political concept, discussing both its promises and its limitations. Engaging with thinkers such as Zygmunt Bauman, Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant, we will interrogate the ideologies that shape our understanding of happiness and well-being, from the pressures of toxic positivity to the commodification of self-care and the moralisation of happiness. Topics include the object that are supposed to make us happy, emotional labor of maintaining social harmony, the politics of happiness and its intersections with power and privilege. We will explore happiness not as a neutral state, but as a site of negotiation, resistance, and critique. - Literatur
- Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft)
Vorlesung – [Ling - Lange] - Postcolonial Englishes
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 80
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Freitag 3. Doppelstunde ABS/0E04/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- The terms New Englishes, World Englishes, and Postcolonial Englishes allude to the rather obvious fact that English is a global language – but why Englishes rather than English? What is ‘new’ about the New Englishes, and what is the difference between the labels ‘New Englishes’ and ‘Postcolonial Englishes’? Who counts as a native speaker of English, and how do ‘new’ Englishes differ from the ‘old’? This lecture takes you through the fascinating history of the globalization of English and the ensuing social, political, cultural and linguistic consequences. In particular, we will explore the status, form and function of Englishes across Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Good Language, Bad Language
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 2. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- For a linguist, the labels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cannot meaningfully be applied to language(s), dialects, or specific usages, since they all serve their specific function(s) within their communicative contexts. The general public, however, begs to differ: many people look down upon speakers of nonstandard dialects and ridicule grammar and/or spelling mistakes, some languages are considered more ‘ugly’, ‘harsher’, or ‘sloppier’ than others, there are societies devoted to keeping the language ‘pure`, and children are told off for using slang or swear words. This course will try to close the gap between the linguistic and the everyday evaluation of language(s) and language in use by focussing on ‘bad’ language in its many forms, such as slang, swearing and taboo expressions past and present. We will further investigate the debates around instances of ‘bad’ language such as racist and sexist language, and look at the different legal norms for hate speech and free speech, censorship and freedom of expression. Finally, we will critically examine the notion of ‘purity’ with respect to language.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Pragmatics
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- More often than not, there is a gap between what we say and what we mean: we try to be polite; we use irony, sarcasm, humour; we exaggerate or resort to understatement, we speak metaphorically. The discipline of Pragmatics is concerned with studying meaning in context, trying to explain how we manage to recover speakers’ communicative intentions. We will begin by considering several approaches to the study of meaning in language and then zoom in on pragmatic theories which deal with how we create meanings in our everyday communicative interactions. Topics to be covered include politeness and impoliteness, speech acts past and present, irony, humour, intercultural pragmatics and the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Language Research Lab
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course will take you straight into the fascinating world of research on language(s). We will work together to explore different approaches to doing empirical research, among them corpuslinguistic tools and resources, methods for studying language attitudes such as surveys and dialect maps, ideas for investigating language contact phenomena and multilingualism, linguistic landscape research, and other fields that you would like to tackle – bring your ideas and interests along! We will also consider how to come up with a research hypothesis, how to handle empirical data, and how to present your research project in the form of a poster.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
(Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft)
Vorlesung – [AmLit - Ingwersen] - Issues in American Literature: Nature and Technology
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 90
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 7. Doppelstunde W48/004 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
Seminar – [AmLit - Ingwersen] – Atmospheric ImaginAIRies: Literature and the Elements III
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 5. Doppelstunde W48/103 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Engelmann-Kewitz] – Reading Waste
- Lehrperson
- Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 11.10.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Welcome to the Wasteocene, where waste is more than just a byproduct of modern life - it shapes our world in profound ways. From overflowing landfills, crude oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the (almost) invisible spread of microplastics and toxic pollutants, waste is a constant presence in the environment, often revealing the legacies of past societies and exposing the inequities of contemporary infrastructures. But waste is not just something we throw away. Discarded materials, elements and things, as well as the undesired byproducts of consumption, are legible, readable, and ever-present in our cultural productions, from literature and film to art and theory. This seminar will explore how waste functions as a lens for understanding colonialism, environmental degradation, and the toxicity embedded in our landscapes.
With the help of recent theories in environmental humanities, we will consider how waste is not just a physical problem but a cultural one, challenging us to rethink how we live with the discarded materials that define our age. In this advanced literary studies seminar, we will read a mix of theoretical texts and literary works that address waste, pollution, and the resulting environmental crises of our time. From fictional narratives to nonfiction accounts from the U.S. and beyond, we’ll explore possibilities to make sense of the ever-growing presence of waste in our world and what it means for the future of our planet. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - Land of the Free? Strangers, Exiles, and Refugees in the United States
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2025 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde BSS/0E49/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Debates about forced migration in a globalized world are not new but ongoing; they find their expression not least in cultural studies that draws attention to the ways in which cultural artifacts and theories raise questions about diaspora and mobility. The paradigm of “transnational American Studies” has shifted scholarly attention to issues including forced migration and displacement, as well as voluntary forms of global movement implied in a concept such as cosmopolitanism. While this wide range of transnational phenomena challenges nation-based paradigms of cultural studies, a large archive of cultural production points to the continuing relevance of the United States as a nation state. Numerous texts reinforce the significance of the US by depicting national citizenship as desirable and framing the country as a land of promise and place of arrival—as an attractive “place called home” (Doreen Massey, 1992). We will study a select number of cultural artifacts in light of current debates about migration; in a mode of research-based learning, students will develop their own research agendas that integrate transnational perspectives into American Studies scholarship.
This seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - The Public and the Private: Thinking the Social in a Spatial Way
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2024 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 7. Doppelstunde BSS/0149/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
The seminar will address dynamics of social relations and cultural differentiations in scenarios of power hierarchies through a spatial lens. Pertinent questions will be: how are social boundaries drawn along spatial lines? How are social and spatial aspects mutually constitutive of one another? How are spaces turned into socially exclusive places? What categories of social differentiation will be necessary to consider in analyzing these dynamics? The seminar will raise such questions by giving insights into historical and theoretical approaches and studies of specific examples. This concerns, for instance, the relationship between public and private spheres and its historical emergence and gendered dimensions and concepts such as “the intimate public sphere” (Lauren Berlant). It will address the drawing of boundaries between groups on grounds of race and class, including Jim Crow segregation or redlining as a practice of discrimination based on government maps that outlined areas where Black residents lived and which white investors deemed risky investments. One concept to examine in this context will be that of “safe spaces.” The disciplinary framework of the seminar is cultural studies, with a strong focus on cultural forms of expression as objects of study. Interdisciplinary approaches and positions from human geography and sociology will also be considered.
While we will meet on a weekly basis in the first half of the semester, the second part of the seminar will take place as a two-day workshop in cooperation with a seminar from Sociology; groups from both seminars will present results of their work and engage in interdisciplinary exchange.
The seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cognitive Cultural Studies
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417728/CourseNode/1721010667434410011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- According to Lisa Zunshine, the goal of cognitive cultural studies is “to understand the evolving relationship between two immensely complex, historically situated systems – the human mind and cultural artifacts, such as novels, poems, or paintings” (3). In order to do so, the field draws upon a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, philosophy of mind, or clinical psychology to comparative psychology and political science. This theory-heavy course will explore how human perception, emotion, and cognition shape – and are shaped by – cultural narratives. We will address questions such as: How do narratives structure thought? How do cognitive biases and memory shape artistic production? And how does embodied experience influence cultural interpretation?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Vorlesung – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cultural Memory
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 60
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417729/CourseNode/1721010667455587011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 6. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This lecture explores memory as a socio-cultural process that is inextricably entwined with power dynamics and a key aspect of identity formation. Rather than conceiving of memories as straightforward reflections of the past, the course will analyse how they are constructed, negotiated, and represented within specific cultural and historical contexts. The lecture will address questions such as: How do social and cultural forces shape individual and collective memories in Britain? How is memory deployed in the construction or contestation of British national identity? In what ways can the study of memory provide insights into the experiences of marginalised groups in Britain? How do various media influence the production and consumption of cultural memory? What is the relationship between memory, history, and identity in contemporary British society?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Happiness: Desire, Promise, and Critique
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417730/CourseNode/1721010667466098011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
What does it mean to be happy, and who gets to define happiness? This seminar will explore the construction of happiness as a cultural and political concept, discussing both its promises and its limitations. Engaging with thinkers such as Zygmunt Bauman, Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant, we will interrogate the ideologies that shape our understanding of happiness and well-being, from the pressures of toxic positivity to the commodification of self-care and the moralisation of happiness. Topics include the object that are supposed to make us happy, emotional labor of maintaining social harmony, the politics of happiness and its intersections with power and privilege. We will explore happiness not as a neutral state, but as a site of negotiation, resistance, and critique. - Literatur
- Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft)
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Good Language, Bad Language
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 2. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- For a linguist, the labels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cannot meaningfully be applied to language(s), dialects, or specific usages, since they all serve their specific function(s) within their communicative contexts. The general public, however, begs to differ: many people look down upon speakers of nonstandard dialects and ridicule grammar and/or spelling mistakes, some languages are considered more ‘ugly’, ‘harsher’, or ‘sloppier’ than others, there are societies devoted to keeping the language ‘pure`, and children are told off for using slang or swear words. This course will try to close the gap between the linguistic and the everyday evaluation of language(s) and language in use by focussing on ‘bad’ language in its many forms, such as slang, swearing and taboo expressions past and present. We will further investigate the debates around instances of ‘bad’ language such as racist and sexist language, and look at the different legal norms for hate speech and free speech, censorship and freedom of expression. Finally, we will critically examine the notion of ‘purity’ with respect to language.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Pragmatics
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- More often than not, there is a gap between what we say and what we mean: we try to be polite; we use irony, sarcasm, humour; we exaggerate or resort to understatement, we speak metaphorically. The discipline of Pragmatics is concerned with studying meaning in context, trying to explain how we manage to recover speakers’ communicative intentions. We will begin by considering several approaches to the study of meaning in language and then zoom in on pragmatic theories which deal with how we create meanings in our everyday communicative interactions. Topics to be covered include politeness and impoliteness, speech acts past and present, irony, humour, intercultural pragmatics and the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Language Research Lab
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course will take you straight into the fascinating world of research on language(s). We will work together to explore different approaches to doing empirical research, among them corpuslinguistic tools and resources, methods for studying language attitudes such as surveys and dialect maps, ideas for investigating language contact phenomena and multilingualism, linguistic landscape research, and other fields that you would like to tackle – bring your ideas and interests along! We will also consider how to come up with a research hypothesis, how to handle empirical data, and how to present your research project in the form of a poster.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
(Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmLit - Ingwersen] – Atmospheric ImaginAIRies: Literature and the Elements III
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 5. Doppelstunde W48/103 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Engelmann-Kewitz] – Reading Waste
- Lehrperson
- Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 11.10.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Welcome to the Wasteocene, where waste is more than just a byproduct of modern life - it shapes our world in profound ways. From overflowing landfills, crude oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the (almost) invisible spread of microplastics and toxic pollutants, waste is a constant presence in the environment, often revealing the legacies of past societies and exposing the inequities of contemporary infrastructures. But waste is not just something we throw away. Discarded materials, elements and things, as well as the undesired byproducts of consumption, are legible, readable, and ever-present in our cultural productions, from literature and film to art and theory. This seminar will explore how waste functions as a lens for understanding colonialism, environmental degradation, and the toxicity embedded in our landscapes.
With the help of recent theories in environmental humanities, we will consider how waste is not just a physical problem but a cultural one, challenging us to rethink how we live with the discarded materials that define our age. In this advanced literary studies seminar, we will read a mix of theoretical texts and literary works that address waste, pollution, and the resulting environmental crises of our time. From fictional narratives to nonfiction accounts from the U.S. and beyond, we’ll explore possibilities to make sense of the ever-growing presence of waste in our world and what it means for the future of our planet. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - Land of the Free? Strangers, Exiles, and Refugees in the United States
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2025 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde BSS/0E49/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Debates about forced migration in a globalized world are not new but ongoing; they find their expression not least in cultural studies that draws attention to the ways in which cultural artifacts and theories raise questions about diaspora and mobility. The paradigm of “transnational American Studies” has shifted scholarly attention to issues including forced migration and displacement, as well as voluntary forms of global movement implied in a concept such as cosmopolitanism. While this wide range of transnational phenomena challenges nation-based paradigms of cultural studies, a large archive of cultural production points to the continuing relevance of the United States as a nation state. Numerous texts reinforce the significance of the US by depicting national citizenship as desirable and framing the country as a land of promise and place of arrival—as an attractive “place called home” (Doreen Massey, 1992). We will study a select number of cultural artifacts in light of current debates about migration; in a mode of research-based learning, students will develop their own research agendas that integrate transnational perspectives into American Studies scholarship.
This seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - The Public and the Private: Thinking the Social in a Spatial Way
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2024 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 7. Doppelstunde BSS/0149/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
The seminar will address dynamics of social relations and cultural differentiations in scenarios of power hierarchies through a spatial lens. Pertinent questions will be: how are social boundaries drawn along spatial lines? How are social and spatial aspects mutually constitutive of one another? How are spaces turned into socially exclusive places? What categories of social differentiation will be necessary to consider in analyzing these dynamics? The seminar will raise such questions by giving insights into historical and theoretical approaches and studies of specific examples. This concerns, for instance, the relationship between public and private spheres and its historical emergence and gendered dimensions and concepts such as “the intimate public sphere” (Lauren Berlant). It will address the drawing of boundaries between groups on grounds of race and class, including Jim Crow segregation or redlining as a practice of discrimination based on government maps that outlined areas where Black residents lived and which white investors deemed risky investments. One concept to examine in this context will be that of “safe spaces.” The disciplinary framework of the seminar is cultural studies, with a strong focus on cultural forms of expression as objects of study. Interdisciplinary approaches and positions from human geography and sociology will also be considered.
While we will meet on a weekly basis in the first half of the semester, the second part of the seminar will take place as a two-day workshop in cooperation with a seminar from Sociology; groups from both seminars will present results of their work and engage in interdisciplinary exchange.
The seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cognitive Cultural Studies
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417728/CourseNode/1721010667434410011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- According to Lisa Zunshine, the goal of cognitive cultural studies is “to understand the evolving relationship between two immensely complex, historically situated systems – the human mind and cultural artifacts, such as novels, poems, or paintings” (3). In order to do so, the field draws upon a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, philosophy of mind, or clinical psychology to comparative psychology and political science. This theory-heavy course will explore how human perception, emotion, and cognition shape – and are shaped by – cultural narratives. We will address questions such as: How do narratives structure thought? How do cognitive biases and memory shape artistic production? And how does embodied experience influence cultural interpretation?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Happiness: Desire, Promise, and Critique
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417730/CourseNode/1721010667466098011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
What does it mean to be happy, and who gets to define happiness? This seminar will explore the construction of happiness as a cultural and political concept, discussing both its promises and its limitations. Engaging with thinkers such as Zygmunt Bauman, Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant, we will interrogate the ideologies that shape our understanding of happiness and well-being, from the pressures of toxic positivity to the commodification of self-care and the moralisation of happiness. Topics include the object that are supposed to make us happy, emotional labor of maintaining social harmony, the politics of happiness and its intersections with power and privilege. We will explore happiness not as a neutral state, but as a site of negotiation, resistance, and critique. - Literatur
- Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Sprachpraxis – Language Applications)
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Essay Writing
- Lehrperson
- Sandra Erdmann
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/8236892176/CourseNode/91134119703723
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde SE2/0123/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. This course will develop the work of the Writing course and will focus particularly on writing argumentative essays. The course will examine what makes a good essay and practise the planning, structuring, style and checking of essays. A key aspect will be the practice of new lexis and idiom typical of formal writing style. Texts which provide both excellent models of English writing and provocative topics for debate will be studied with the aim of transferring the writing skills and language encountered into active usage. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, 01217 Dresden. Please bring these materials to the first meeting Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Essay Writing
- Lehrperson
- Sandra Erdmann
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/8236892176/CourseNode/91134119703723
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 1. Doppelstunde SE2/123 In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. This course will develop the work of the Writing course and will focus particularly on writing argumentative essays. The course will examine what makes a good essay and practise the planning, structuring, style and checking of essays. A key aspect will be the practice of new lexis and idiom typical of formal writing style. Texts which provide both excellent models of English writing and provocative topics for debate will be studied with the aim of transferring the writing skills and language encountered into active usage. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, 01217 Dresden. Please bring these materials to the first meeting Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Essay Writing
- Lehrperson
- Andrea Stubenrauch
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/8236892176/CourseNode/91134119703723
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 4. Doppelstunde – Virtuell - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. This course will develop the work of the Writing course and will focus particularly on writing argumentative essays. The course will examine what makes a good essay and practise the planning, structuring, style and checking of essays. A key aspect will be the practice of new lexis and idiom typical of formal writing style. Texts which provide both excellent models of English writing and provocative topics for debate will be studied with the aim of transferring the writing skills and language encountered into active usage. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, 01217 Dresden. Please bring these materials to the first meeting Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Translation
- Lehrperson
- Michael Calabranno Pérez
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/21583233024/CourseNode/100489926572838
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 4. Doppelstunde W48/0002/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. Students will be introduced to some theories and techniques of translating and there will be systematic practice of particular structures and lexis which are difficult to translate. Students will be given texts to translate in class and at home. Students should have a good grammar book and a good monolingual dictionary. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, and should be brought to the first meeting. Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Translation
- Lehrperson
- Michael Calabranno Pérez
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/21583233024/CourseNode/100489926572838
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 1. Doppelstunde SE2/0122/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. Students will be introduced to some theories and techniques of translating and there will be systematic practice of particular structures and lexis which are difficult to translate. Students will be given texts to translate in class and at home. Students should have a good grammar book and a good monolingual dictionary. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, and should be brought to the first meeting. Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Option: JABS
- Lehrperson
- Michael Calabranno Pérez
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/43606769664/CourseNode/1709523081015653004
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Freitag 3. Doppelstunde SE1/0218/P In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is offered as an Option course to both B.A. and State Exam candidates and also as an extra voluntary course to any other students. Foreign exchange students of English are very welcome. The course will be a workshop for journalistic writing and will develop or deepen the journalistic, research and writing skills of participants. Regular participation and the fulfilling of homework assignments are of utmost importance. Materials will be provided on OPAL. Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: the courses in Pronunciation and Intonation, Grammar, and Vocabulary must have been completed.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
Sprachlernseminar – Advanced Translation
- Lehrperson
- Andrea Stubenrauch
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 01.04.2025, 10:00 Uhr https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/21583233024/CourseNode/100489926572838
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133 In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course is aimed at all Master and State Exam students. Foreign students whose English is at an advanced level may also participate. Students will be introduced to some theories and techniques of translating and there will be systematic practice of particular structures and lexis which are difficult to translate. Students will be given texts to translate in class and at home. Students should have a good grammar book and a good monolingual dictionary. Materials: The materials should be purchased at EMF Bürotechnik, Zellescher Weg 21, and should be brought to the first meeting. Prerequisites: 1: the Entry Test must have been passed. 2: either you are matriculated for Master or for State Exam 3: all courses in years 1-3 except Options courses have been completed.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-SP – Sprachpraxis – Language Applications
(Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmLit - Ingwersen] – Atmospheric ImaginAIRies: Literature and the Elements III
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 5. Doppelstunde W48/103 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Engelmann-Kewitz] – Reading Waste
- Lehrperson
- Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 11.10.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Welcome to the Wasteocene, where waste is more than just a byproduct of modern life - it shapes our world in profound ways. From overflowing landfills, crude oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the (almost) invisible spread of microplastics and toxic pollutants, waste is a constant presence in the environment, often revealing the legacies of past societies and exposing the inequities of contemporary infrastructures. But waste is not just something we throw away. Discarded materials, elements and things, as well as the undesired byproducts of consumption, are legible, readable, and ever-present in our cultural productions, from literature and film to art and theory. This seminar will explore how waste functions as a lens for understanding colonialism, environmental degradation, and the toxicity embedded in our landscapes.
With the help of recent theories in environmental humanities, we will consider how waste is not just a physical problem but a cultural one, challenging us to rethink how we live with the discarded materials that define our age. In this advanced literary studies seminar, we will read a mix of theoretical texts and literary works that address waste, pollution, and the resulting environmental crises of our time. From fictional narratives to nonfiction accounts from the U.S. and beyond, we’ll explore possibilities to make sense of the ever-growing presence of waste in our world and what it means for the future of our planet. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft)
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - Land of the Free? Strangers, Exiles, and Refugees in the United States
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2025 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde BSS/0E49/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Debates about forced migration in a globalized world are not new but ongoing; they find their expression not least in cultural studies that draws attention to the ways in which cultural artifacts and theories raise questions about diaspora and mobility. The paradigm of “transnational American Studies” has shifted scholarly attention to issues including forced migration and displacement, as well as voluntary forms of global movement implied in a concept such as cosmopolitanism. While this wide range of transnational phenomena challenges nation-based paradigms of cultural studies, a large archive of cultural production points to the continuing relevance of the United States as a nation state. Numerous texts reinforce the significance of the US by depicting national citizenship as desirable and framing the country as a land of promise and place of arrival—as an attractive “place called home” (Doreen Massey, 1992). We will study a select number of cultural artifacts in light of current debates about migration; in a mode of research-based learning, students will develop their own research agendas that integrate transnational perspectives into American Studies scholarship.
This seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - The Public and the Private: Thinking the Social in a Spatial Way
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2024 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 7. Doppelstunde BSS/0149/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
The seminar will address dynamics of social relations and cultural differentiations in scenarios of power hierarchies through a spatial lens. Pertinent questions will be: how are social boundaries drawn along spatial lines? How are social and spatial aspects mutually constitutive of one another? How are spaces turned into socially exclusive places? What categories of social differentiation will be necessary to consider in analyzing these dynamics? The seminar will raise such questions by giving insights into historical and theoretical approaches and studies of specific examples. This concerns, for instance, the relationship between public and private spheres and its historical emergence and gendered dimensions and concepts such as “the intimate public sphere” (Lauren Berlant). It will address the drawing of boundaries between groups on grounds of race and class, including Jim Crow segregation or redlining as a practice of discrimination based on government maps that outlined areas where Black residents lived and which white investors deemed risky investments. One concept to examine in this context will be that of “safe spaces.” The disciplinary framework of the seminar is cultural studies, with a strong focus on cultural forms of expression as objects of study. Interdisciplinary approaches and positions from human geography and sociology will also be considered.
While we will meet on a weekly basis in the first half of the semester, the second part of the seminar will take place as a two-day workshop in cooperation with a seminar from Sociology; groups from both seminars will present results of their work and engage in interdisciplinary exchange.
The seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cognitive Cultural Studies
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417728/CourseNode/1721010667434410011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- According to Lisa Zunshine, the goal of cognitive cultural studies is “to understand the evolving relationship between two immensely complex, historically situated systems – the human mind and cultural artifacts, such as novels, poems, or paintings” (3). In order to do so, the field draws upon a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, philosophy of mind, or clinical psychology to comparative psychology and political science. This theory-heavy course will explore how human perception, emotion, and cognition shape – and are shaped by – cultural narratives. We will address questions such as: How do narratives structure thought? How do cognitive biases and memory shape artistic production? And how does embodied experience influence cultural interpretation?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Happiness: Desire, Promise, and Critique
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417730/CourseNode/1721010667466098011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
What does it mean to be happy, and who gets to define happiness? This seminar will explore the construction of happiness as a cultural and political concept, discussing both its promises and its limitations. Engaging with thinkers such as Zygmunt Bauman, Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant, we will interrogate the ideologies that shape our understanding of happiness and well-being, from the pressures of toxic positivity to the commodification of self-care and the moralisation of happiness. Topics include the object that are supposed to make us happy, emotional labor of maintaining social harmony, the politics of happiness and its intersections with power and privilege. We will explore happiness not as a neutral state, but as a site of negotiation, resistance, and critique. - Literatur
- Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Wissenschaftliche Präsentation)
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Good Language, Bad Language
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 2. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- For a linguist, the labels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cannot meaningfully be applied to language(s), dialects, or specific usages, since they all serve their specific function(s) within their communicative contexts. The general public, however, begs to differ: many people look down upon speakers of nonstandard dialects and ridicule grammar and/or spelling mistakes, some languages are considered more ‘ugly’, ‘harsher’, or ‘sloppier’ than others, there are societies devoted to keeping the language ‘pure`, and children are told off for using slang or swear words. This course will try to close the gap between the linguistic and the everyday evaluation of language(s) and language in use by focussing on ‘bad’ language in its many forms, such as slang, swearing and taboo expressions past and present. We will further investigate the debates around instances of ‘bad’ language such as racist and sexist language, and look at the different legal norms for hate speech and free speech, censorship and freedom of expression. Finally, we will critically examine the notion of ‘purity’ with respect to language.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Pragmatics
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- More often than not, there is a gap between what we say and what we mean: we try to be polite; we use irony, sarcasm, humour; we exaggerate or resort to understatement, we speak metaphorically. The discipline of Pragmatics is concerned with studying meaning in context, trying to explain how we manage to recover speakers’ communicative intentions. We will begin by considering several approaches to the study of meaning in language and then zoom in on pragmatic theories which deal with how we create meanings in our everyday communicative interactions. Topics to be covered include politeness and impoliteness, speech acts past and present, irony, humour, intercultural pragmatics and the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Language Research Lab
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course will take you straight into the fascinating world of research on language(s). We will work together to explore different approaches to doing empirical research, among them corpuslinguistic tools and resources, methods for studying language attitudes such as surveys and dialect maps, ideas for investigating language contact phenomena and multilingualism, linguistic landscape research, and other fields that you would like to tackle – bring your ideas and interests along! We will also consider how to come up with a research hypothesis, how to handle empirical data, and how to present your research project in the form of a poster.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [AmCult - Junker] - Land of the Free? Strangers, Exiles, and Refugees in the United States
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 25
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2025 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Mittwoch 2. Doppelstunde BSS/0E49/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Debates about forced migration in a globalized world are not new but ongoing; they find their expression not least in cultural studies that draws attention to the ways in which cultural artifacts and theories raise questions about diaspora and mobility. The paradigm of “transnational American Studies” has shifted scholarly attention to issues including forced migration and displacement, as well as voluntary forms of global movement implied in a concept such as cosmopolitanism. While this wide range of transnational phenomena challenges nation-based paradigms of cultural studies, a large archive of cultural production points to the continuing relevance of the United States as a nation state. Numerous texts reinforce the significance of the US by depicting national citizenship as desirable and framing the country as a land of promise and place of arrival—as an attractive “place called home” (Doreen Massey, 1992). We will study a select number of cultural artifacts in light of current debates about migration; in a mode of research-based learning, students will develop their own research agendas that integrate transnational perspectives into American Studies scholarship.
This seminar begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Kolloquium – [AmCult - Junker/Ingwersen] - North American Studies Colloquium
- Lehrpersonen
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 15
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- OPAL ab 4.4.2024 12:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 6. Doppelstunde W48/002 In Präsenz - Beschreibung
This colloquium aims to provide an informal forum in which students, especially those in the advanced stages of their studies, can present their current or planned theses (Staatsexamen, BA, MA, doctoral) and discuss them with fellow students. For MA students, attendance of this colloquium counts toward the module ”Forschungslaboratorium”. All other students can learn from participating in this colloquium without earning credits.
The colloquium begins in the first week of the semester. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Ingwersen] – Atmospheric ImaginAIRies: Literature and the Elements III
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Ingwersen
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 4.4.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Dienstag 5. Doppelstunde W48/103 In Präsenz - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Oberseminar – [BritLit/BritCult - Horlacher/Wächter] - Oberseminar
- Lehrpersonen
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 10
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Über URL einschreiben
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 6. Doppelstunde W48/0102/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
The Oberseminar is open to doctoral candidates, to students completing their MA, Staatsexamen or Master Thesis, and to those approaching the end of their studies. It is intended to give the participants the opportunity to introduce their projects, and to learn from the presentations given.
The focus will be on theoretical approaches and their application to the projects, with the added intention of fostering an exchange of research interests and ideas among advanced students of English/American Literature and British/American Cultural Studies in the department. A prerequisite for those attending is the willingness to present the findings of their work as well as to lead the ensuing group discussions.
•For LiKWa-students this course serves as “Forschungslaboratorium”, and for Master-students it serves a double function:
- as the “Peer Colloquium,” it is part of “Wissenschaftliche Praxis II”, and
- as the forum for the “Colloquium“ it is part of the “Modul Wissenschaftliche Präsentation”.
Both requirements have to be met in different semesters. The first session will take place in the second week of term. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Cognitive Cultural Studies
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417728/CourseNode/1721010667434410011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Montag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0004/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- According to Lisa Zunshine, the goal of cognitive cultural studies is “to understand the evolving relationship between two immensely complex, historically situated systems – the human mind and cultural artifacts, such as novels, poems, or paintings” (3). In order to do so, the field draws upon a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, philosophy of mind, or clinical psychology to comparative psychology and political science. This theory-heavy course will explore how human perception, emotion, and cognition shape – and are shaped by – cultural narratives. We will address questions such as: How do narratives structure thought? How do cognitive biases and memory shape artistic production? And how does embodied experience influence cultural interpretation?
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [BritCult - Wächter] - Happiness: Desire, Promise, and Critique
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 35
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 12 Uhr bei OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/45497417730/CourseNode/1721010667466098011
- Einschreibefrist
- Ab
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz – In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
What does it mean to be happy, and who gets to define happiness? This seminar will explore the construction of happiness as a cultural and political concept, discussing both its promises and its limitations. Engaging with thinkers such as Zygmunt Bauman, Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant, we will interrogate the ideologies that shape our understanding of happiness and well-being, from the pressures of toxic positivity to the commodification of self-care and the moralisation of happiness. Topics include the object that are supposed to make us happy, emotional labor of maintaining social harmony, the politics of happiness and its intersections with power and privilege. We will explore happiness not as a neutral state, but as a site of negotiation, resistance, and critique. - Literatur
- Blockseminar: 21., 23., 25., 28. & 30.07. 11:10-16:20 Uhr
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-K – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-K – Erweiterungsmodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-K – Ausbaumodul – Kulturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
Seminar – [AmLit - Engelmann-Kewitz] – Reading Waste
- Lehrperson
- Svenja Engelmann-Kewitz
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 30
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Einschreibung über OPAL am 11.10.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde BSS/133/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
Welcome to the Wasteocene, where waste is more than just a byproduct of modern life - it shapes our world in profound ways. From overflowing landfills, crude oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the (almost) invisible spread of microplastics and toxic pollutants, waste is a constant presence in the environment, often revealing the legacies of past societies and exposing the inequities of contemporary infrastructures. But waste is not just something we throw away. Discarded materials, elements and things, as well as the undesired byproducts of consumption, are legible, readable, and ever-present in our cultural productions, from literature and film to art and theory. This seminar will explore how waste functions as a lens for understanding colonialism, environmental degradation, and the toxicity embedded in our landscapes.
With the help of recent theories in environmental humanities, we will consider how waste is not just a physical problem but a cultural one, challenging us to rethink how we live with the discarded materials that define our age. In this advanced literary studies seminar, we will read a mix of theoretical texts and literary works that address waste, pollution, and the resulting environmental crises of our time. From fictional narratives to nonfiction accounts from the U.S. and beyond, we’ll explore possibilities to make sense of the ever-growing presence of waste in our world and what it means for the future of our planet. - Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-L – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-L – Erweiterungsmodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-L – Ausbaumodul – Literaturwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
(Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft)
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Good Language, Bad Language
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 2. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- For a linguist, the labels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ cannot meaningfully be applied to language(s), dialects, or specific usages, since they all serve their specific function(s) within their communicative contexts. The general public, however, begs to differ: many people look down upon speakers of nonstandard dialects and ridicule grammar and/or spelling mistakes, some languages are considered more ‘ugly’, ‘harsher’, or ‘sloppier’ than others, there are societies devoted to keeping the language ‘pure`, and children are told off for using slang or swear words. This course will try to close the gap between the linguistic and the everyday evaluation of language(s) and language in use by focussing on ‘bad’ language in its many forms, such as slang, swearing and taboo expressions past and present. We will further investigate the debates around instances of ‘bad’ language such as racist and sexist language, and look at the different legal norms for hate speech and free speech, censorship and freedom of expression. Finally, we will critically examine the notion of ‘purity’ with respect to language.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Pragmatics
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Wochentag Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung Donnerstag 4. Doppelstunde W48/0101/U In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- More often than not, there is a gap between what we say and what we mean: we try to be polite; we use irony, sarcasm, humour; we exaggerate or resort to understatement, we speak metaphorically. The discipline of Pragmatics is concerned with studying meaning in context, trying to explain how we manage to recover speakers’ communicative intentions. We will begin by considering several approaches to the study of meaning in language and then zoom in on pragmatic theories which deal with how we create meanings in our everyday communicative interactions. Topics to be covered include politeness and impoliteness, speech acts past and present, irony, humour, intercultural pragmatics and the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft
Seminar – [Ling - Lange] - Language Research Lab
- Lehrperson
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Lange
- Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl
- 40
- Einschreibung
- Einschreibung über
- Ab 04.04.2025, 10 Uhr bei OPAL
- Termine
Datum Uhrzeit Ort Durchführung bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz bis W48/ABS/BSS In Präsenz - Beschreibung
- This course will take you straight into the fascinating world of research on language(s). We will work together to explore different approaches to doing empirical research, among them corpuslinguistic tools and resources, methods for studying language attitudes such as surveys and dialect maps, ideas for investigating language contact phenomena and multilingualism, linguistic landscape research, and other fields that you would like to tackle – bring your ideas and interests along! We will also consider how to come up with a research hypothesis, how to handle empirical data, and how to present your research project in the form of a poster.
- Zuordnungen
- Modular
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S1-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 1 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-S2-S – Spezialisierungsmodul 2 – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-1-E-S – Erweiterungsmodul – Sprachwissenschaft
- SLK-MA-AA-2-WiPrä – Wissenschaftliche Präsentation
- SLK-MA-AA-2-A-S – Ausbaumodul – Sprachwissenschaft