About us
The Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (ZMOE) is a competence centre of the Faculty of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It was established in 2019 as a result of a spatial and disciplinary reorientation of the former Central European Centre and has since brought together expertise from Slavic studies, German studies and history as well as other social sciences and humanities disciplines.
Research profile
Board of Directors
Scientific Advisory Board
The Center initiates, bundles and promotes research projects that focus on Central and Eastern Europe from the perspective of the humanities and social sciences.
The Center's research projects, in which basic and applied research complement each other, strengthen the strategic Research Priority Area of TU Dresden Culture and Societal Change. Focal points include
- research into historical connections and interdependencies between regions and language areas in Central and Eastern Europe,
- Edition projects,
- digital humanities,
- knowledge transfer in the university sector and to the non-academic public as well as its professional reflection. The center is therefore networked in many ways with cultural and educational institutions in the city of Dresden and the Saxony region.
Through this orientation, the ZMOE also promotes international partnerships with universities from Central and Eastern Europe. We currently cooperate with Charles University in Prague, the Masaryk Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Prague, the an-Evangelista-Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, the University of Wrocław, the German Historical Institute in Warsaw, the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies and the RTSU Dushanbe.
Continue to Research.
History of the Center
The Center for Central and Eastern European Studies was established in 2019 - as a result of a spatial and disciplinary reorientation of the former Central European Studies Center - as a Competence Center of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Central European Center for Political, Economic and Cultural Studies was founded in 2000 as the Central Academic Unit of TU Dresden and was part of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies from 2016 to 2019. It functioned as a project management center for interdisciplinary work. The founding directors were Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walter Schmitz (Chair of Modern German Literature and Cultural History), who headed the center until 2019, and Prof. Dr. Ludger Udolph (Chair of Slavic Studies/Literary Studies).