Research Priority Areas (RPAs) of the TU Dresden
These research priority areas represent the currently strongest research fields of our University, which are characterized by publication impact and third-party funds. Especially three Clusters of Excellence and various collaborative research centers contribute to the research excellence of the TU Dresden.
The research of the TU Dresden is focused on five strategic research priority areas:
Health Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioengineering comprises four interconnected fields at the interface of basic and translational research:
- Interdisciplinary fundamental research of physical concepts and priciples that underlie the organisation of living matter (Cluster of Excellence: Physics of Life);
- Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, which directly leads to Regenerative Therapies (CRTD - Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden);
- research uncovering the causes of, and developing therapeutic approaches for, major diseases of modern societies, i.e. Cancer (OncoRay), Diabetes (DZD), and Neurodegeneration (DZNE) as well as other disorders of the brain, notably those tackled by the Psychological and Behavioral Sciences; and
- Molecular Bioengineering, which provides an interface between biology and engineering (B CUBE, BIOTEC, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials).
In addition to these four established fields, an emerging research area is Systems Biology, where experimental and theoretical science meet. A particular strength of this RPA is the transdisciplinary networking of basic and translational researchers within TUD and its local non-university partners such as the MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. These research foci constitute a fertile ground for the advancement of young researchers, as exemplified by the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB), awarded in the 1st program phase of the Excellence Initiative.
Examples of the reseach excellence for the priority area:
Cluster of Excellence: Physics of Life
BMBF-Future Cluster SaxoCell
Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE).
Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) of the TU Dresden
- CRC/Transregio 393 "Trajectories of Affective Disorders" - Locations: Marburg, Dresden, Münster
- CRC/Transregio 369 "DIONE – Bone degeneration caused by inflammation" - Locations: Erlangen, Dresden
- CRC/Transregio 265 "Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories to Mechanisms to Interventions" - Locations: Berlin, Dresden, Heidelberg
- CRC/Transregio 237 "Nucleic Acid Immunity" - Locations: Munich, Bonn, Dresden
- CRC/Transregio 205 "The Adrenal: Central Relay in Health and Disease"- Locations: Dresden, Munich, Würzburg
- IRTG 3019 "MEDIS - Metabolic and Endocrine Drivers of Infection Susceptibility" - Locations: Dresden, Zurich
- IRTG 2773 "Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders" - Locations: Dresden, London
- IRTG 2251 "Immunological and Cellular Strategies in Metabolic Disease" - Locations: Dresden, London
- FOR 5146 "FerrOs: Defining the osteohepatic axis in the context of iron homeostasis"
- FOR 3013 "Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs"
- FOR 2599 "Tissue Type 2 Responses: Mechanisms of Induction and Regulation"
SPP 2389 "Emergent Functions of Bacterial Multicellularity"
SPP 2084 "µBONE - Colonization and interaction of tumor cells within the bone microenvironment"
- ERC Advanced Grant: „GENSURGE“, Prof. Frank Buchholz
- ERC Starting Grant: „ONco-Energetics_OFF“, Dr. Mohamed Elgendy
Information Technology and Microelectronics is an area of utmost importance as the largest microelectronics hub in Europe is centered in Dresden, with over 1,500 companies growing at an average rate of well over 1,000 jobs/year, and currently approximately 50,000 employees. As a result of strategic appointments over the past decade, TUD´s scientific competence now covers the full spectrum from basic and applied research on information processing and communication, to developing and testing innovative materials (Nanotechnology, Bionics). There are strong ties with several regional Fraunhofer Institutes as well as multiple joint ventures with industry’s global leaders, e.g. reflected by acquiring and steering the German Leading-Edge Cluster “CoolSilicon”. The Cluster of Research "Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden" (cfaed) and the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" (CeTI) are towering examples of our cutting-edge research.
Examples of the reseach excellence for the priority area:
- Cluster of Excellence "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" (CeTI)
- Cluster of Research "Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden" (cfaed)
- Cool Silicon – Energy-Efficiency Innovations from Silicon Saxony
- BMBF Cluster4Future SEMECO
- 6G Life – Digital transformation and sovereignty of future communication networks
- 5G Lab Germany
- QD-CamNetwork - Quantum Wireless Campus Network. Local networks for quantum communication
- 5G-OPERA - 5G Open Radio Access Networks
- Landnetz – Area-thinking communication and cloud network for agriculture 4.0 and rural areas
- DAKORE (GreenICT) - Radio data network with adaptive hardware and AI optimization to reduce energy consumption
- E4C (Green ICT) - Extremely energy-efficient Edge Cloude hardware
- HyLeiT (H2Giga) - Cost-optimized system technology and grid integration of systems for the production of green hydrogen
- ScaDS.AI – Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
- SpiNNcloud – Neuromorphic Supercomputer
- KEEN – Artificial Intelligence Incubator Labs in the Process Industry
- NHR – TU Dresden – Location of National High Performance Computing
- ForLab NataliE
NFDI4Earth – NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
- CRC/Transregio 248 "Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems - Enabling Comprehension in a Cyber-Physical World" - Locations: Saarbrücken, Dresden
- RTG 2767 "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Components"
- FOR 3013 "Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs"
- SPP 2262 "MemrisTec - Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems"
- Reinhart Koselleck Project "Data Management Primitives"
- Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN)
- Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science (DCMS)
- ERC Consolidator Grant: „DeciGut“, Prof. Sebastian Rudolph
- ESF Plus Junior Research Group: MultiMod, Prof. Andreas Richter
Materials Science and Engineering is playing a decisive role in providing solutions to global mega-challenges such as energy, resources and mobility. By establishing the Cluster of Excellence „Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat), physicists, chemists and material scientists from Dresden and Würzburg are going to unite their efforts to understand, control and apply fundamentally new states of quantum matter. Fundamental scientific research activities at TUD also focus on understanding the principles of structure-property relations and interactions of materials in various environments, on nanotechnology concepts, new functional and smart materials and corresponding technologies, advanced surface engineering, high performance multifunctional lightweight materials, materials for energy, and new design concepts with adapted sensors and actuators. TUD competences are complemented by intense collaboration with local Leibniz-, Fraunhofer- and Max Planck Institutes and a network of strategic cooperations with prestigious industry partners.
Examples of the reseach excellence for the priority area:
Cluster of Excellence: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat)
Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science (DCMS)
RUBIN-ISC_IMB - Development of tools for the planning and dimensioning of carbon concrete components
CRC 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials"
- CRC 1143 " Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration to Topology"
- CRC/Transregio 339 "Digital twin of the road system – Physical-informational representation of the future road system" - Locations: Dresden, Aachen
- SFB/Transregio 285 „Method development for mechanical joinability in transformable process chains“, Locations: Paderborn, Dresden, Erlangen/Nürnberg
- CRC/Transregio 280 "Design strategies for carbon concrete structures using a minimum of material - Fundamentals for a new way of constructing" - Locations: Dresden, Aachen
- RTG 2868 "D³ - Data-Driven Design of Resilient Metamaterials"
- RTG 2861 "PCL - Planar Caron Lattices"
- RTG 2767 "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Components"
- RTG 2430 "Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites"
- RTG 2250 "Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety"
- FOR 3013 "Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs"
- SPP 2388 "Hundred plus – Extending the Lifetime of Complex Structures through Intelligent Digitalization"
- SPP 2244 "2D Materials – Physics of van der Waals [hetero]structures (2DMP)"
- SPP 2005 "Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheologie reaktiver, multiskaliger, mehrphasiger Baustoffsysteme"
- Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt " Long-range magnetic order in metal-free materials"
- ERC Consolidator Grant: „T2DCP“, Prof. Xinliang Feng
- ERC Starting Grant: „FC2DMOF“, Dr. Renhao Dong
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions "Developing optoelectronics in two-dimensional semiconductors (2-Exciting)"
- Werner Siemens Foundation: "2nd Life Metal Components: A Pathfinding Project for Upcycling"
Energy, Mobility and Environment is a Research Priority Area with high development potential across the entire spectrum of TUD's faculties and institutes. Existing competencies cover topics such as adaptation to climate change, bio-geo-chemistry, biomass, combustion engines, electrochemistry, energy economics, energy efficiency, energy law, energy system analysis, power generation, Renewable Energy Systems, environmental monitoring and Geoinformation Technologies, forestry, hydrology, limnophysics, risk and water resource management, mobility/transport and automotive engineering.
Highlights: The Friedrich List Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is the largest academic Competence Center in the field of transport sciences in Germany. With its broad range of expertise, TU Dresden is in an excellent position to tackle not only core scientific areas, but also interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research topics, which are increasingly becoming the focus of major projects in the environmental and energy sector.
The Research Priority Area "Energy, Mobility and Environment" has the following scientific excellence and international visibility:
- N5GEH - Introduction of future-oriented communication structures in energy technology
- Landnetz - Area-thinking communication and cloud network for Agriculture 4.0 and rural areas
- DAKORE (GreenICT) - Radio data network with adaptive hardware and AI optimization to reduce energy consumption
- E4C (Green ICT) - Extremely energy-efficient edge cloud hardware
- HyLeiT(H2Giga) - Cost-optimized system technology and grid integration of systems for the production of green hydrogen
- HuKmeN - Heating and cooling with one network: technology for geothermal infrastructure (Kollektorweber)
- High-immersion driving simulator
- NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Research
- SFB/Transregio 339 "Digital twin road - Physical-informational mapping of the "road of the future" system" - Locations: Dresden, Aachen
- CRC/Transregio 248 "Fundamentals of Comprehensible Systems - for a Comprehensible Cyber-Physical World" - Locations: Saarbrücken, Dresden
- RTG 2947 "Technical-operational integration of highly automated aviation in metropolitan areas"
- RTG 2323 "Conducive design of cyber-physical production systems"
- "Center for Advanced Water Research(CAWR)"
- "Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Environmental Research" (HIGRADE)
- Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group "Sustainable Energy Systems"
- Close cooperation with UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources - UNU-FLORES in Dresden
- Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance: STAFFER, Prof. Dr. Arnd Stefan
- ESF Plus InnoTeam: OptRail, Prof. Udo Buscher
Reinhart-Koselleck-Project: Strongly Driven Nonlinear Network Dynamics, Prof. Marc Timme
The Culture and Societal Change Research Priority Area focuses on transformations in the field of culture and society with regard to social and political orders, urban and regional developments and cultural institutions such as museums and libraries. In Dresden, a city rich in tradition as a cultural capital, where the cultural sector also plays an above-average role in the regional economy and labor market, a number of interdisciplinary research programs have been launched and strong networks established, in particular with
- the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, a unique museum of science, culture and society
- the prestigious Saxon State and University Library Dresden with its internationally renowned collections of manuscripts, documents, maps and photographs;
- the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections), one of the oldest and most important museum associations in Europe (consisting of 13 thematically different museums) with a worldwide reputation;
- the Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, which offers a multi-perspective and critical
a multi-perspective and critical view of the history of violence and - the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development.
Scientific excellence and international visibility of the "Culture and Societal Change" profile line are demonstrated by, among other things:
- Perspektive Arbeit Lausitz (PAL) -Competence Center for the Work of the Future in Saxony and Brandenburg
- virTUos - Virtual teaching and learning at TU Dresden in an open source context
- Torgau. Home education in special homes in the GDR - A pedagogical reconstructive study on the GDR educational system and its management
MERCATOR Forum "Migration and Democracy"
- Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group
International graduate program "Education & Technology"
- Academy project Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Innovation laboratories of European lifestyles and models of order
- Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden
- TUDiSC "Disruption and Societal Change"
- Erasmus+ Teacher Academy: TAP-TS, Prof. Dr. Axel Gehrmann
- ESF Plus junior research group: FioKo, Prof. Rolf Koerber