The Center for Central and Eastern European Studies focuses on research into the history, culture and languages of Central and Eastern Europe. Among other things, the centre focuses on research into minorities and migration processes in the past and present as well as the historical connections between regions and language areas in this region.
The centre has many years of experience in the field of digital humanities and is interested in the transfer of education to society.

Research projects
Current research projects
Development of a Methodology for Recognizing Media Manipulation and Promoting Media Literacy in the Information Space of Kazakhstan (Joint project with Mukhtar Auesov University, Kazakhstan, 2023-2025)
Industrialisierung in Oberschlesien. Der Ballestrem-Konzern im "Zeitalter der Extreme", 1890-1950 (Funded by the BKM, 2021-2024)
Deutschsprachiger Studiengang an der RTSU Duschanbe (Funded by DAAD, 2019-2024)
Completed research projects of the ZMOE and the Central European Studies Centre
- LIS 2.0 - Die böhmisch-sächsische Literaturlandschaft als Lern- und Spielplattform (SN/CZ project, supported by the European Regional Development Fund, 2022)
- Bohemian-Saxon literary landscape. Multifunctional interactive map - LIS (SN/CZ project, supported by the European Regional Development Fund, 2017-2020)
- »Fuge der Erfahrung: Lebensgeschichten in der Grenzregion vor und nach 1989«. (upported by the European Regional Development Fund, 2019)
- TACES - Tajik Center for European Studies (Erasmus+ Project, 2016-2019)
Erinnerungen für die Zukunft. Ein Egodokument der tschechischen Avantgarde von Karel Honzík (2018/19, supported by the German-Czech Future Fund)
Kafka-Atlas. Reception, dissemination and significance of Kafka's work worldwide
- Landscape of remembrance. Dresden and Terezín as places of remembrance of the Shoah. (Ziel3-Project, 2012-2014)
- Sächsisch-böhmische Beziehungen im Wandel der Zeit. Additional educational publications (Ziel3-Project, 2011-2014)
- Studium fundamentale. Schlüsselkompetenzen für Führungskräfte (2010-2014, Funded by the Free State of Saxony and the European Social Fund)
- Denkwerk – Fremde in Dresden. Geisteswissenschaften erlebbar machen (2008‐2012, supported by Robert-Bosch-Stiftung).