Jun 12, 2023
Students of Prof. Knippschild awarded with a prestigious prize
![Die Preisträger:innen des Otto-Borst-Preises 2023 sowie Mitglieder der Jury sind vor einer Kirche im Hintergrund zu sehen und zeigen ihre Preisurkunden.](https://tu-dresden.de/ihi-zittau/ressourcen/bilder/themenbilder/preistraeger-innen-otto-borst-preis-2023/@@images/d7cce0da-120a-4e6a-846b-e899db00ec8a.jpeg)
Die Preisträger:innen des Otto-Borst-Preises 2023: v.l.n.r.: Prof. Klaus Jan Pilipp (Juryvorsitz), David Gripp, Carina Thomas, Matthias Klopfer (Vorsitzender Forum Stadt e.V., Oberbürgermeister Stadt Esslingen am Neckar) und Maximilian Bräunel
With the prestigious Otto Borst Award, the Forum Stadt e.V. honors and promotes young researchers in the fields of urban history, urban sociology, monument preservation and urban planning. This year, one of three equally weighted prizes was won by students of Prof. Robert Knippschild, holder of the joint appointment of the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development (IÖR) and the IHI Zittau of the TU Dresden on ecological and revitalizing urban redevelopment: Jaqueline Griesbach and Maximilian Bräunel convinced with a paper on preservation and revitalization of existing building fabric as a contribution to municipal climate protection. We congratulate them!