Teaching and advanced training
Most of the study courses offered at TU Dresden in enginerring sciences are still diploma study courses. At the department of Electrical Enginnering and Information technology, this concerns the graduate study courses Electrical Engineering, Information Systems Technology, Mechatronics and Regenerative Energy Systems. Additionally, master courses are offered to facilitate advanced training of Bachelor graduates from other universities and foreign countries at TU Dresden. Four semesters of basic studies in Electrical Engineering, that are completed with the
so-called “Vordiplom” (Preliminary Diploma), are followed by the main studies of Microelectronics. As a rule, a total of 10 semesters is necessary to obtain the German academic degree „Diplom-Ingenieur“ comparable to the master´s degree.
The Chair for Solid-State Electronics is mainly focused on the teaching of design and fabrication technology of electronic components and devices based on solid-state effects. Regarding the basic studies of Electrical Engineering, the Solid-State
Electronics Laboratory is involved in lectures related to physical basics of electronics and their use in devices (Sensorics), manufacture and application of electronic components and devices (Infrared Measurement Technology). In the areas of ultrasonic sensorics and measurement technology subject-specific lectures are offered to the students.
The huge demand of economy for graduates in engineering sciences, especially in electrical engineering, motivates to provide a more intensive mentoring of “Fundamentals in Electrical Engineering” freshmans. In order to reduce the dropout without diminishing education requirements, exercise classes are carried out in small groups by experienced mentors taking care for the rapid development of an efficient learning style by our new students. Besides the complete mentoring of three lab work
courses for all students of our department and the complete mentoring of Dynamic Networks class for the students the courses Information Systems Technology and Industrial Engineering programs, two freshman exercise classes were supervised in
summer term 2015 and six ones in the winter term 2015/2016 by IFE personnel.