Jan 14, 2021
Impact of nanofabrication on plasmonic resonance quality
Which fabrication related factors influence the obtained spectral resonance linewidth in certain plasmonic structures the most? Is it defects, features size variation or feature edge roughness? How to simulate those factors in advance enabling a more straightforward and more time-efficient structural design? Yu et al. (DFG Mesoscopic 3D Systems Group) provides detailed insights and guidelines based on a very practical example. The paper published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces is a successful interdisciplinary collaboration of the Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems with its Chairs of Nanoelectronics (Prof. Mikolajick) and Microsystems (Prof. Richter) as well as the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (Prof. Fery, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics). Publication