Die Senioprofessur stellt sich vor
Die Seniorprofessur Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Kabitzsch (TIS) gehört zum Institut für Angewandte Informatik (IAI) der Fakultät Informatik.
TIS in a nutshell
The senior professorship Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Kabitzsch (previously Chair of Technical Information Systems TIS) is part of the Institute of Applied Computer Science (IAI) of the Faculty of Computer Science.
The senior professorship includes 4 employees who are financed by third-party funds. On the one hand, we are involved in teaching and supervising student research projects. On the other hand, we work on national and international research projects - in close cooperation with our local and international partners. One example of this is our participation in the Cool Silicon cluster of excellence. We also distribute two tools through our partner GWT-TUD GmbH, which are based on the know-how of many years of research.
You can find a lot of information on this website. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.