Das Foto zeigt eine Stapel Bücher aus der Bibliothek zum Thema Handel und Finanzen. Sie liegen übereinander auf einem Tisch. © Amac Garbe  Das Foto zeigt mehrere Studierende draußen im Grünen. Sie sitzen auf einer geschwungenen Betonformation aus Tischen und Bänken und lernen. © Amac Garbe

Studying at the Institute of Applied Computer Science

The Department of Systems-Oriented Computer Science has the aim of training experts in the field of applied computer science in an adequate manner in order to meet the expectations the labour market has regarding corresponding graduates. Medium-sized companies in particular, which represent the largest part of the German labour market, demand such qualifications.
The courses of this specific field of research are not focused on the development of a single component for an information system (circuit, computer hardware, software, network architecture, database, etc.). Instead, students learn primarily the implementation of all the above-mentioned components with the aim of organising their interaction in an integrated overall system that is intended to fulfil the specific wishes of customers.

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Studying at the professorships

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe