Publikationen des Lehrstuhls
Behavioral Programming in the Large using Variability Management | |
Context-Role Oriented Programming in Julia: Advancing Swarm Programming | |
Robotic assembly of modular concrete shells using falsework |
Damage detection and drone inspection of roads with digital twin technology |
The Influence of Incentives and Continuous Feedback in Combined Modeling and Programming Education |
Latency-aware RDMSim: Enabling the Investigation of Latency in Self-Adaptation for the Case of Remote Data Mirroring
Distributed Petri Nets for Model-Driven Verifiable Robotic Applications in ROS |
A Variance-Based Drift Metric for Inconsistency Estimation in Model Variant Sets |
Debugging Behavioral Programs Using Models@run.time |
Context-Oriented Programming and Modeling in Julia with Context Petri Nets |
Proposal for A Context-oriented Modelica Contributing to Variable Structure Systems |
Towards an Interoperable Model-driven Automated Assessment System for Computer Science Education |
Waffle: A Novel Feature Modeling Language for Highly-Configurable Software Systems |
Work in Progress: Towards a Single Underlying Model for the Digital Twin of Future Road Infrastructures |
Towards Variability-Aware Instance Handling for Model Evolution at Runtime |
RobotRAGs: A Reference Attribute Grammer-based Integration Approach for Robotic Assembly Lines |
PNRG A Library for Modeling Variable Structure Energy Grids in Modelica using Energetic Petri Nets |
DiNeROS: A Model-Driven Framework for Verifiable ROS Applications with Petri Nets |
CertML: Initial Steps Towards Using N-Version Neural Networks for Improving AI Safety |
Mobile Modelling with Real-time Collaboration Support |
Incremental Causal Connection for Self-Adaptive Systems based on Relational Reference Attribute Grammars |
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality |
Multi-objective Parameter Tuning with Dynamic Compositional Surrogate Models |
Resolving Synchronization Conflicts in Role-Based Multimodel-Synchronization Environments |
Improving Functional Safety of Automotive Video Data Transmission and Processing Systems. |
Toward "Light-to-Light" Protection of Automotive Camera Monitor Systems |
Investigating Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques for Collocated Merging | |
Introducing Mobile Device-Based Interactions to Users: An Investigation of Onboarding Tutorials | |
A Design Kit for Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques | |
Towards Interaction Design for Mobile Devices in Collocated Mixed-Focus Collaboration | |
Model-driven Software Engineering for Construction Engineering: Quo Vadis? |
Immersives verteiltes Robotic Co-working |
To Measure or not to Measure? Adaptive Repetition Management in Parameter Tuning |
Combined Selection and Parameter Control of Meta-heuristics |
Challenges of Stochastic Project Scheduling in Manual Manufacturing: A Hybrid Simulation-Based Scheduling Approach |
Safety Cases for Adaptive Systems of Systems: State of the Art and Current Challenges |
Models@run.time: a guided tour of the state of the art and research challenges |
Cross-Layer Adaptation in Multi-layer Autonomic Systems (Invited Talk) |
Turn it, Pour it, Twist it: A Model for Designing Mobile Device-Based Interactions |
MilkyWay: A Toolbox for Prototyping Collaborative Mobile-Based Interaction Techniques |
An Architecture for a Distributed Lean Innovation Management System |
A Framework for Self-adaptive Workflows in Cyber-physical Systems | |
Consistent Persistence of Context-Dependent Runtime Models |
Consistency and synchronization for workflows in cyber-physical systems: poster abstract |
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows |
MobiLean: A mobile application for creating business model canvases |
Creating Business Model Canvases with a Collaborative Mobile Application |
Bigraphical Meta-Modeling of Fog Computing-Based Systems |
Self-managed Workflows for Cyber-physical Systems |
Vote-for-It: Investigating Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques for Collocated Anonymous Voting and Rating |
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality |
Parameter Tuning for Self-optimizing Software at Scale |
User strategies for mobile device-based interactions to prevent shoulder surfing |
Contextual and Relational Role-Based Modeling Framework |
A Generic Language for Query and Viewtype Generation By-Example | |
Transforming Truth Tables to Binary Decision Diagrams using Relational Reference Attribute Grammars |
Transforming Truth Tables to Binary Decision Diagrams using the Role-based Synchronization Approach |
Investigating Users’ Responses to Context-Aware Presentations on Large Displays in Public Transport |
Adaptive Petri Nets A Petri Net Extension for Reconfigurable Structures |
Smart Rooms - Effizienter Betrieb von Gebäuden durch IoT | |
BRISE: Energy-efficient Benchmark Reduction |
Continuous Publishing of Online Programming Assignments with INLOOP |
Star-BRISE: Energy-efficient Benchmarking for Interacting Algorithms |
Quality-based Software-Selection and Hardware-Mapping
as Model Transformation Problem |
A Case Study for Workflow-based Automation in the Internet of Things | |
Role-based Runtime Model Synchronization |
Interacting Decision-making Agents and their Impacts on Assurances: Towards a Taxonomy and Challenges |
Self-adaptive Synchronous Localization and Mapping using Runtime Feature Models |
Tracing Software Systemevolution | |
Design and Concept of an Osmotic Analytics Platform based on R Container | |
Supporting systematic literature reviews in computer science: the systematic literature review toolkit |
Retrofitting of Workflow Management Systems with Self-X Capabilities for Internet of Things |
Modular Feature-Oriented Graphical Editor Product Lines |
Wo steht mein Projekt? Ortung eines Softwareentwicklungsprojektes. | |
How to improve the understanding of roles in modeling |
Self-managed Workflows for Cyber-physical Systems
Interaktionsdesign für mobile gerätebasierte Interaktionstechniken | |
A JastAdd- and ILP-based Solution to the Software-Selection and Hardware-Mapping-Problem at the TTC 2018 |
A JastAdd-based Solution to the TTC 2018 Social Media Case |
Continuous Model Validation Using Reference Attribute Grammars |
Model Synchronization with the Role-oriented Single Underlying Model | |
OpenLicht - A Self-learning Lighting System based on openHAB |
Testing Self-Adaptive Systems - A Model-based Approach to Resilience |
Modelling the World of a Smart Room for Robotic Co-working |
Mixed-focus collaboration activities for designing mobile interactions |
Qualification of Model-Based Development Tools - A Case Study. |
The Notion of Self-aware Computing |
Self-aware Computing Systems: Related Concepts and Research Areas |
Architectural Concepts for Self-aware Computing Systems |
Generic Architectures for Individual Self-aware Computing Systems |
Architectures for Collective Self-aware Computing Systems |
State of the Art in Architectures for Self-aware Computing Systems |
Self-modeling and Self-awareness |
Tracing Change Requests. From Requirements to Code. |
An Execution System for Self-healing Workflows in Cyber-physical Systems | |
PROtEUS++: A Self-managed IoT Workflow Engine with Dynamic Service Discovery | |
Self-healing for Distributed Workflows in the Internet of Things | |
Datenschutz - Die CHAOS-Box. Soziale Arbeit und der Vertrauensaspekt. |
A Simulation Framework to Analyze Knowledge Exchange Strategies in Distributed Self-adaptive Systems |
HoloFacility: Get in Touch with Machines at Trade Fairs using Holograms |
Praxisbeispiel zu Anwendungen von Mixed Reality in Produktion und Gebäudebetrieb | |
Reasoning on Context-Dependent Domain Models |
A Family of Role-Based Languages |
Metamodeling Lightweight Data Compression Algorithms and its Application Scenarios |
Report on the 4th International Workshop on Model-driven Robot Software Engineering |
Summary of the 12th International Workshop on Models@run.time |
Toward a framework for self-adaptive workflows in cyber-physical systems |
Mixed Reality Cyber-physical Systems Control and Workflow Composition |
An Approach for Project Task Approximation
in a Large-Scale Software Project Course.
A Pure Embedding of Roles - Exploring 4-dimensional Dispatch for Roles in Structured Contexts |
A Family of Role-Based Languages |
Cloud-Based System Architecture for Driver Assistance in Mobile Machinery |
Ein Modell für natursprachliche Anforderungsdokumente |
Programming with Emergent Gummy Modules | |
Using Semantic Queries to Enable Dynamic Service Invocation for Processes in the Internet of Things | |
Enabling Self-adaptive Workflows for Cyber-physical Systems | |
Using Reference Attribute Grammar-Controlled Rewriting for Runtime Resource Management |
Toward an execution system for self-healing workflows in cyber-physical systems | |
Goal-Based Semantic Queries for Dynamic Processes in the Internet of Things | |
Incremental Runtime-generation of Optimisation Problems using RAG-controlled Rewriting |
An interactive mobile control center for cyber-physical systems | |
A context-adaptive workflow engine for humans, things and services | |
Preface of the 1st International Workshop on Models@run.time for Self-aware Computing Systems |
Constructive Alignment in Teaching Modeling |
Towards a Role-Based Contextual Database |
Apples and Oranges: Comparing Top-down and Bottom-up Language Product Lines |
FRaMED: Full-fledge Role Modeling Editor (Tool Demo) |
Natural Voting Interactions for Collaborative Work with Mobile Devices |
Natural Collocated Interactions for Merging Results with Mobile Devices |
Device-Based Interactions for Anonymous Voting and Rating with Mobile Devices in Collaborative Scenarios |
Mutual Influence of Application- and Platform-Level
Adaptations on Energy-Efficient Computing | |
Von der Software-Dissertation zum Lean Startup | |
Devising the Future of the Models@run.time Workshop |
Adaptive Exchange of Distributed Partial Models@run.time for Highly Dynamic Systems |
Generative und simulative Softwaretests für selbstadaptive,
cyber-physikalische Systeme | |
MODELS Educators Symposium 2014 (Proceedings) |
The MOOC Hype: Can We Ignore It?
Reflections on the Current Use of Massive Open Online
Courses in Software Modeling Education | |
Relationships for Dynamic Data Types in RSQL | |
Choosy and Picky: Configuration of Language Product Lines |
PROtEUS: An Integrated System for Process Execution in Cyber-physical Systems |
A Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interaction Concepts | |
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges |
A Capability-based Framework for Programming Small Domestic Service Robots | |
SCROLL - A Scala-based library for Roles at Runtime | |
Enabling View-based Programming with SCROLL | |
Model-driven Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning of Robotic Applications |
Models@run.time for Object-Relational Mapping Supporting Schema Evolution |
Managing Distributed Context Models Requires Adaptivity too |
A Combined Formal Model for Relational Context-Dependent Roles |
Database Evolution for Software Product Lines. |
Software Engineering und Management 2015 |
Using Reference Attribute Grammar-Controlled Rewriting for Energy Auto-Tuning |
On Liberating Programs from von Neumann Architecture via Event-based Modularization |
Cognitive Computing (Collected Papers) | |
Zukunftsfähige Softwaresysteme Zukunftsfähig trotz zunehmender SW-Abhängigkeit |
Modular Composition of Multiple Applications via Application-level Event Modules
Capturing Variability in Space and Time with Hyper Feature Models |
DeltaEcore-A Model-Based Delta Language Generation Framework | |
A Black Box Validation Strategy for Self-adaptive Systems |
ContextPoint: An Architecture for Extrinsic Meta-Adaptation in Intelligent Environments (best paper) |
A Tool-Supported Quality Smell Catalogue For Android Developers |
Energy Aspects: Modularizing Energy-aware Applications |
Event-based Modularization: How Emergent Behavioral Patterns Must Be Modularized? |
Testing Self-adaptive Software - Requirement Analysis and Solution Scheme |
A Reference Architecture and Roadmap for Models@run.time Systems |
A Models@run.time Approach for Multi-Objective Self-Optimizing Software |
Language-Independent Traceability with Lässig |
RSQL - A Query Language for Dynamic Data Types | |
A Metamodel Family for Role-based Modeling and Programming Languages |
Energy-Efficient Databases using Sweet Spot Frequencies |
Modellgetriebene Entwicklung energieautarker Softwaresysteme | |
Towards Context Modeling in Space and Time |
Energy-Efficient Data Processing at Sweet Spot Frequencies |
Impact and Challenges of Software in 2025 |
Integrated Management of Variability in Space and Time in Software Families |
Teaching Variability Engineering to Cognitive Psychologists |
Program Dependency Analysis for Consolidating Customized Product Copies |
Emergent Gummy Modules: Modular Representation of Emergent Behavior |
Detecting Emergent Interference in Integration of Multiple Self-Adaptive Systems | |
A Combined Simulation and Test Case Generation Strategy for Self-Adaptive Systems |
Summary of the 9th Workshop on Models@run.time | |
Eine kurze Geschichte der Ontologie Von der Philosophie zur modernen Informatik (A Short History of Ontology From Philosophy to modern Information Technology) |
Comparing Mobile Applications' Energy Consumption |
Towards Modeling and Analyzing Variability in Evolving Software Ecosystems |
A Seamless Integration, Semantic Middleware for Cyber-Physical Systems |
JouleUnit - A Generic Framework for Software Energy Profiling and Testing |
A Process for Assessing Data Quality |
Towards Predictive Self-optimization by Situation Recognition |
Towards Systematic Model-based Testing of Self-adaptive Systems |
Model-driven Self-optimization Using Integer Linear Programming and Pseudo-Boolean Optimization |
Report on the 7th International Workshop on Models@Runtime |
Energy Profiling as a Service |
OWL 2 Reasoning To Detect Energy-Efficient Software Variants From Context | |
Evaluation of Students' Modeling and Programming Skills |
Test Modeling of Dynamic Variable Systems using Feature Petri Nets |
Summary of the 8th International Workshop on Models@run.time |
Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Mobile Applications: A User Feedback Study |
Variability-Aware Safety Analysis using Delta Component Fault Diagrams |
Tool-Supported Step-By-Step Debugging
for the Object Constraint Language
Report on the Aachen OCL Meeting |
Quality-Aware Refactoring For Early Detection And Resolution Of Energy Deficiencies |
| |
A Framework for Role-based Feature Management in Software Product Line Organizations |
Tool Use in Software Modelling Education (invited paper) |
Architecture and Mechanisms for Energy Auto Tuning |
Towards Modeling a Variable Architecture for Multi-Tenant SaaS-Applications |
JavAdaptor - Flexible Runtime Updates of Java Applications |
Extended Version of Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation and Language Specification |
Entwicklung Cyber-Physikalischer Systeme am Beispiel des NAO-Roboters |
Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation |
Towards Well-formed Fragment Composition with Reference Attribute Grammars |
On the reuse and recommendation of model refactoring specifications |
Using Role-Based Composition to Support Unanticipated, Dynamic Adaptation - Smart Application Grids |
Energieverbrauchsermittlung von Android-Applikationen |
SalesPoint: A Java framework for teaching object-oriented software development. |
Auf dem Weg zu autonomer, unantizipierter und dynamischer Adaption mit Smart Application Grids |
Approximating Quality Contracts for Energy Auto-Tuning Software |
Conper: Consistent Perspectives on Feature Models | |
Reducing Feature Models to Improve Runtime Adaptivity on Resource Limited Devices | |
Dynamic Configuration Management of Cloud-based Applications | |
Multi-Perspectives on Feature Models | |
Autonomous Participation in Cloud Services | |
Energy Labels for Mobile Applications |
Co-Evolution of Models and Feature Mapping in Software Product Lines |
Modular sicherheitszertifizierte Anwendungen für cyber-physikalische Systeme |
Testmodellierung für mobile Anwendungen |
Test Modeling for Context-aware Ubiquitous Applications with Feature Petri Nets | |
DropsBox: the Dresden Open Software Toolbox |
Tool Supported OCL Refactoring Catalogue |
How Should Teaching Modeling and Programming Intertwine? |
Comparing Mobile Applications' Energy Consumption |
Innovationsforum open4INNOVATION2012: regional kooperativ - global innovativ |
Summary of the 7th International Workshop on Models@run.time |
The silo effect: losing the game with a decoupled IT strategy |
JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic Software Updates for Java |
Model-driven Modernisation of Java Programs with JaMoPP |
Towards a model driven Modelica IDE | |
Role-based Object-Relational Co-Evolution | |
Predicate-C - An Efficient and Generic Runtime System for Predicate Dispatch |
UML is still inconsistent! How to improve OCL Constraints in the UML 2.3 Superstructure |
OCL Tools Report based on the IDE4OCL Feature Model |
Vision Paper: Towards Model-Based Energy Testing |
Detecting and Resolving Conflicts between Adaptation
Aspects in Multi-staged XML Transformations |
Runtime Variability Management for Energy-efficient Software by Contract Negotiation |
Aspects of Software’s Energy Consumption |
State of the Art: Optimization of Energy Consumption in Storage Systems |
State of the Art: Hardware Energy Management |
NaoText: A Role-based Language for Collaborative Robot Applications. |
Guidance in Business Process Modelling |
Extended Version of Multi-Perspectives on Feature Models |
Safe Composition of Transformations |
Managed Evolution A Strategy for Very Large Information Systems |
Providing Mainstream Parser Generators with Modular Language Definition Support |
Joining Business Rules and Business Processes | |
Event-Driven Verification in Dynamic Component Models |
Towards Attribute Grammars for Metamodel Semantics |
Role-based Multi-Purpose Workflow Engine Architecture |
MapReduce for Scalable Neural Nets Training |
Towards Generic Weaving of Adaptation Aspects for XML |
Towards Energy Auto Tuning |
Using Feature Models for Creating Families of Documents |
Extending Variability for OCL Interpretation |
Integrating OCL and Textual Modelling Languages |
Role-Based Generic Model Refactoring |
Applying Attribute Grammars for Metamodel Semantics |
Reference Attribute Grammars for Metamodel
Semantics |
Concern-based (de)composition of Model-Driven Software Development Processes. |
Adding Abstraction and Reuse to a Network Modelling Tool using the Reuseware Composition Framework |
An Integrated Facet-based Library for Arbitrary Software Components |
A Feature Model for an IDE4OCL |
Teaching OCL Standard Library: First Part of an OCL 2.x Course | |
A Metamodel for Context-Aware Component-Based Mashup Applications |
THEATRE Resource Manager Interface Specification v. 1.0 |
Anticipating Unanticipated Tool Interoperability using Role Models | |
Ontology-based Model Synchronisation | |
A Semantic-BDI-Based Approach to Realize Cooperative, Reflexive Workflows |
Reasoning Web Summer School papers |
Web Based Software Modeling Exercises in Large-Scale Software Engineering Courses. |
Model and Object Verification by Using Dresden OCL |
Bridging the Gap between Variability in Client Application and Database Schema |
Derivation and Refinement of Textual Syntax for Models |
A Model-based Product-Line for Scalable Ontology Languages |
Generating Safe Template Languages |
Towards Systematic Ensuring Well-Formedness of Software Product Lines |
On Performance of Delegation in Java |
Widgets for Faceted Browsing |
Task Representation and Retrieval in an Ontology-Guided Modelling System |
Round-trip Support for Invasive Software Composition Systems |
EMFText and JaMoPP - Tool Presentation | |
Closing the Gap between Modelling and Java |
Construct to Reconstruct - Reverse Engineering Java Code with JaMoPP |
Specification of Triple Graph Grammar Rules using Textual Concrete Syntax |
A Role-based Approach Towards Modular Language Engineering |
Controlling Model-Driven Software Development through Composition Systems | |
Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition |
Abstracting Complex Languages through Transformation and Composition |
JaMoPP: The Java Model Parser and Printer |
Towards a Generic Layout Composition Framework for Domain Specific Models | |
Developing a Model Composition Framework with Fujaba - An Experience Report | |
Requirements Analysis for an Integrated OCL Development Environment | |
MDPE - A Workbench providing Performance related Decision Support for BPM Environments |
HyperAdapt: Enabling Aspects for XML |
Component Models for Semantic Web Languages | |
Model Engineering for Complex Systems - Dagstuhl Manifesto | |
Flexible Runtime Program Adaptations in Java - A Comparision |
On Language-Independent Model Modularisation |
A Lightweight Framework for Universal Fragment Composition — with an application in the Semantic Web. |
Creating and Maintaining Tutorials with DEFT |
Controlled Adaptation-Oriented Evolution of Object-Oriented Components | |
OCL: Modularising the Language |
Nutzerzentrierte Ähnlichkeitssuche in Bilddatenbanken |
FeatureMapper: Mapping Features to Models |
Extending Grammars and Metamodels for Reuse -- The Reuseware Approach. |
ComeBack!: a Refactoring-Based Tool for Binary-Compatible Framework Upgrade |
Informatik in der DDR - Grundlagen und Anwendungen | |
Technologietransfer am Beispiel von DABA 1600 | |
Model-Level Integration of the OCL Standard Library Using a Pivot Model with Generics Support |
Exploring Role Based Adaptation |
Toward Agile Open-Source Framework Outsourcing |
Refactoring-based adaptation of adaptation specifications. |
Practical Refactoring-Based Framework Upgrade |
Application of Tracing Techniques in Model-Driven Performance Engineering |
Building Model-Driven Engineering Traceability Classifications |
Ontology Design and Reuse with Conceptual Roles | |
Opportunities and Challenges of Traceable Graph Rewriting Systems |
Collaborating Languages and Tools: A Study in Feasibility |
Open Service Process Platform 2.0 | |
SaferWeb - Community-Driven Collection Of Suitable Web
Sites For Children | |
A BDI-Based Reflective Infrastructure for Dynamic Workflows | |
Constraints Modeling in Agricultural Databases |
On Controlled Visualisations in Software Product Line Engineering |
Refactoring in Feature-Oriented Programming: Open Issues |
A Close Look at Composition Languages |
Debugging Triple Graph Grammar-based Model Transformations |
Static Source Code Analysis using OCL | |
Letting EMF Tools Talk to Fujaba through Adapters | |
Systematic Usage of Embedded Modelling Languages in Model Transformation Chains |
Managed Evolution |
Enforceable Component-Based Realtime Contracts -- Supporting Realtime Properties from Software Development to Execution |
API Changes — How Far Would You Go? | |
Data-Grey-Bos Web Services in Data-Centric Environments | |
Data-aware SOA for Gene Expression Analysis Processes | |
Supporting Gene Expression Analysis Processes by a Service-Oriented Platform | |
Reuseware — Adding Modularity to Your Language of Choice |
OCL for (Meta-)Models in Multiple Application
Domains |
A Distributed Staged Architecture for Multimodal
Applications (Extended Abstract) | |
How dark should a component black-box be? The Reuseware Answer. |
A Framework for Generating Query Language Code from OCL Invariants |
Aspect-Orientation for Your Language of Choice | |
Bridging the Gap Between Features and Models | |
A Distributed Staged Architecture for Multimodal Applications | |
Putting Performance Engineering into Model-Driven Engineering: Model-Driven Performance Engineering |
Tool Demo: Source Code Composition with the Reuseware Composition Framework | |
An Approach for Bridging the Gap Between Business Rules and the Semantic Web | |
Model-Level Integration of the OCL Standard Library Using a Pivot Model with Generics Support |
Refactoring-Based Support for Binary Compatibility in Evolving Frameworks | |
Refactoring-Driven Adaptation in Evolving Frameworks | |
Refactoring-Based Adaptation | |
Refactoring-Based Support for Binary Compatibility in Evolving Frameworks | |
Scheduling Real-Time Components Using Jitter-Constrained Streams | |
Integrating OCL and Model Transformations in Fujaba |
Finding the Pattern You Need: The Design Pattern Intent Ontology | |
Critical Systems Development Using Modeling Languages -- CSDUML 2006 Workshop Report |
Tool Support for Refinement of Non-functional Specifications | |
Architecture of a Predictive Maintenance Framework |
Ein Prototyp zur zustandsorientierten Instandhaltung |
Breaking the Domination of the Internal Graph Model. | |
Modeling architecturally neutral realtime systems | |
Harmless Metamodel Extensions with Triple Graph Grammars |
Workshop on Models for Non-functional Properties of Component-Based Software - NfC |
Pull-Parsing in
Cocoon | |
Der Mittelweg - Lesen und Schreiben von XML-Dokumenten mit dem Streaming API for XML | |
GignoMDA - MDA Approach for Applications in the Database Domain |
GignoMDA - Exploiting Cross-Layer Optimization for
Complex Database Applications | |
Trustworthy Instantiation of Frameworks | |
Tool Support for Refinement of Non-functional Specifications | |
OCL for (Meta-)Models in Multiple Application Domains.
Workshop co-located with MoDELS 2006: 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (formerly the UML series of conferences)
October 1 - 6, 2006 Genova, Italy
Integrating OCL and Model Transformations in Fujaba | |
Scheduling Real-Time Components Using Jitter-Constrained Streams | |
Using Graph-Rewriting for Model Weaving in the context of Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering | |
Risiken in der Softwareentwicklung | |
An Architecture for an XML-Template Engine enabling Safe Authoring | |
A Device-Independent Multimodal Mark-up Language | |
Critical Systems Development Using Modeling Languages -- CSDUML 2006 Workshop Report | |
Ontologies, Meta-Models, and the Model-Driven Paradigm | |
Composition of Rule Sets and Ontologies |
Integrating Fujaba and the Eclipse Modeling Framework | |
Integrating Fujaba and the Eclipse Modeling Framework |
Softwaretechnologiepraktikum im Grundstudium: Universitäres oder Reales Projekt? |
The Dresden OCL Toolkit and the Business Rules Approach |
Generation of an OCL 2.0 Parser | |
Proceedings of Software Composition (SC) - Workshop at ETAPS 2005 |
The HIDOORS Methodology - Using Java in Realtime and Embeeded Systems. |
Proceedings of MDA - Foundations and Applications (MDAFA) |
Reuse in semantic applications. |
Architectural styles for active documents |
The COMQUAD component container architecture | |
Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-functional Properties of Component-Based Software | |
The COMQUAD component container architecture and contract negotiation |
Types of Quality of Service Contracts for Component-Based Systems |
A Software Development Process Supporting Non-functional Properties |
The COMQUAD Component Model - Enabling Dynamic Selection of Implementations by Weaving Non-functional Aspects |
Towards a Semantic Framework for Non-functional Specifications of Component-Based Systems | |
The Object Constraint Language for UML 2.0 -- Overview and Assessment | |
The Dresden OCL Toolkit and its Role in Information Systems Development | |
Structure of the Dresden OCL Toolkit | |
Workshop on Models of Non-functional Aspects of Component-Based Systems. |
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Models for Non-functional Aspects of Component-Based Software (NfC'04) |
Tailor-Made Containers: Modeling Non-functional Middleware Service. |
Formal Specification of Non-functional Properties of Component-Based Software | |
Model-Driven Development for Non-functional Properties: Refinement through Model Transformation |
Towards a Semantic Framework for Non-functional Specifications of Component-Based Systems | |
Composition of XML dialects: A ModelicaXML case study. | |
Proceedings of Software Composition (SC) |
CQML+: Enhancements to CQML |
Explicit Modelling of QoS-Dependencies |
Application Support by QoS Middleware | |
Towards Pervasive Treatment of Non-Functional Properties at Design and Run-Time |
A Metamodel-Based OCL-Compiler for UML and
MOF. |
Industrieautomation mit Ethernet-TCP/IP und Web-Technologie (Industrial Automation with Ethernet-TCP/IP and Web-Technologies) |
Modular architecture for a toolset supporting OCL | |
Loose Semantics for UML/OCL |
Formal Semantics for a UML Fragment Using UML/OCL Metamodeling |
Proven IP-Network Services: from End-User to Router and vice versa | |
Modelling of Non-Functional Contracts in Component-based Systems using a Layered Architecture | |
Supplying legacy applications with QoS | |
Description of QoS Requests and Offers | |
COMQUAD - Komponentenbasierte Softwaresysteme mit zusagbaren quantitativen Eigenschaften und Adaptionsfähigkeit |
Supplying legacy applications with QoS: a description syntax at application end-user and network level |
Experience in Early and Late Software Engineering Project Courses |
Our PKI-Experience” Towards an Enterprise-Wide Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) |
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering |
Experiments With XMI Based Transformations of Software Models | |
Modern Software Engineering Methods for IP- QoS Resource Pool Management | |
A QoS middleware between users, applications and the network | |
AQUILA Network Services | |
Teaching OOT Using a Framework and Both Direct and Net-based Tutoring |
ProjectWeb - Eine web-basierte Projektumgebung | |
OCL as a Specification Language for Business Rules in Data Base Applications | |
On the Precise Meaning of OCL Constraints |
Implementing Integrated and Differentiated Services for the Internet with ATM Networks: A Practical Approach | |
Softwarewerkzeuge zur Entwicklung multimedialer Anwendungen - Eine Übersicht | |
A Framework-Based Approach to Teaching OOT: Aims, Implementation, and Experience |
Analysing UML Active Classes and Associated State Machines - A Lightweight Formal Approach |
MeetingOrganizer - A Comprehensive but Small Example for the Introduction to OO Concepts |
Towards practical support for component-based software development using formal specification |
Modular Architecture for a Toolset Supporting OCL |
Using Previous Property Values in OCL Postconditions - An Implementation Perspective |
AQUILA - Quality of Service für IP-Netzwerke |
Abstract modeling of CORBA-based applications with UML |
Verkaufsanwendungen auf Basis des Anwendungsframeworks SalesPoint | |
Erfahrungen mit einem frameworkbasierten Softwarepraktikum |
Reverse Engineering von Datenbankanwendungen |
ELISA: European Linkage between Internet Integrated and Differentiated Services over ATM |
Formale Beschreibungstechniken und praktische Softwaretechnik - eine unglückliche Verbindung? |
Using OCL Constraints for Relational Database Design |
An Edge Device for Supporting Internet Differentiated Services over Switched ATM Networks |
Intelligent Broadband Networks |
Using a Framework to Teach OOT to Beginners | |
Ethernet-TCP/IP für die Industrieautomation Grundlagen und Praxis. (Ethernet-TCP/IP for Industrial Automation Fundamentals and Applications) |
Intelligent ATM Networks - Services and Realisation Alternatives | |
Friedlich vereint - Persistence: Mittler zwischen Objekten und Relationen | |
Value-Added Internet: a Pragmatic TINA- Based Path to the Internet and PSTN Integration |
Formal Foundations for Software Engineering Methods |
BITBUS Grundlagen und Praxis. (BITBUS Fundamentals and Applications) |
Fehlerkorrigierende Block-Codierung für die Datenübertragung |