The Operating Systems Group
The TUD:OS group (TU Dresden Operating Systems) research objective is to address systems topics that have become critical for advanced applications. Examples for such topics include systems security requiring small trusted computing bases, real-time systems, or efficient and predictable communications in high-performance systems.
It is our ambition to push research far enough to be usable outside of our group, for example by other research groups or as starting points for industrial partners. Examples are the L4Re and M3 microkernel technologies. L4Re for example is used in security critical environments like government agencies and several prominent industry applications, which unfortunately cannot be named on this website. Come visit us and we will tell you.
It is also our goal to work closely with Dresden’s thriving operating-system scene, part of which has been initiated or founded by former members of our group. Especially close is our interaction with the Barkhausen Institute, Kernkonzept GmbH, and Huawei’s Dresden Research Center.