Hermann Härtig

Senior Professor
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hermann Härtig
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Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Raum 3088 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Hermann Härtig headed TU Dresden’s operating systems research group as a full professor from 1994 to 2019.
Under his leadership, the group contributed to L4 microkernel technology. It developed L4/Fiasco, the first implementation of the L4 microkernel in a high level programming language, invented L4Linux, an L4-based virtualization technology and the microhypervisor NOVA, built several L4-based frameworks for component-based operating systems, such as the L4Re system, and pioneered the technology’s application in real-time and security-sensitive environments. This also lead to deployments in real-life products, mostly created by spin-offs of the group. More recently, the team created M³, a hardware/software co-designed system that addresses the usage of special-purpose hardware units in integrated heterogeneous systems.
Before joining TU Dresden, he lead the BirliX operating systems project at the former German National Research Center for Information Technology. He was a co-founder of EuroSys, served on program committees of major international conferences like SOSP, Eurosys, Usenix ATC, and he regularly spent extended sabbatical visits at major industry and university research labs: MIT, UNSW, Hebrew University, ICSI Berkeley, and others. Since his formal retirement in 2019, he continues these activities as a senior professor and consults in various topics related to operating systems, real-time systems, and system security.