Mar 11, 2022; Defence
Echtzeit-AGATLAS Runtime for Linux' CBS
Linux provides SCHED_DEADLINE, a soft real-time scheduler, that schedules real-time workload. Using SCHED_DEADLINE, however, requires the knowledge of a real-time task's execution time in advance. This thesis provides the CBS user space library, a library which makes it possible to create real-time tasks without knowing their execution time beforehand. A submitted job's execution time instead gets estimated using prior execution times of jobs of the same task. The CBS user space library is used with two example applications: a textbook real-time simulation that submits jobs that spin for a certain amount of time and a simple video player that decodes and renders frames from a video stream. There is a small trade-off between the knowledge of a task's execution time and its jobs' tardiness values, but utilising the library in a proper way on certain workloads can even lead to a better performance, when using the estimator.