Mar 11, 2022; Colloquium
Echtzeit-AGTPM Support in L4 for Raspberry Pi
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has contributed to the security of general-purpose
computing systems, as a means of ensuring the integrity of computing systems. In re-
cent years the use of TPMs has become more popular in server and cloud environments
because they have broad OS support and are suitable for integrity control in environ-
ments controlled by a third party. The integration into the L4Re system combines the
security benefits of a small Trusted Computing Base (TCB) with the integrity control
provided by the TPM. For the common use cases of L4Re as an Operating System (OS)
for secure embedded computing and as a hypervisor, integrity is an essential require-
ment. This thesis enables the support for using a TPM on a Raspberry Pi by building
an Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver to communicate with the device and porting
libWolfTPM, a small library for the communication with TPM devices, to the L4Re
system. Furthermore, this thesis ports the software required for fundamental support of
virtual TPMs to L4Re.