Jan 06, 2018
RTG RoSI extended!
We are very happy that the Grants Committee of the German Science Foundation DFG has decided to extend the funding of our Research Training Group RoSI!
RoSI investigates the question if and to which extent a role-based modeling can help to reduce errors in software, to make the software development more efficient, and to facilitate long-term maintenance of code. Within RoSI, our chair is focusing on the question if role-based modeling can help with defining privacy notions and metrics, to analyse, and subsequently design and develop anonymization services with better efficiency and security guarantees (Christiane Kuhn). We also investigate to which extent non-parametric Bayeian methods can help with learning, and subsequently detecting roles in deployed systems (Jan Reubold).
In collaboration with the chairs of Automata Theory (Franz Baader und Adrian Nuradiansyah) and Software Engineering (Uwe Aßmann und Frank Rohde) we also analyse possibilities to model pseudonymity using logic and to integrate pseudonymity into the early stages of software development, for privacy by design.