Dipl.-Inform., Dipl.-Math. Benjamin Schiller

NameHerr Dipl.-Inf., Dipl.-Math. Benjamin Schiller
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- Analysis of dynamic systems
- Graph-theoretic analysis of (dynamic) network topologies
- Web crawling and distributed data collection
- Social network analysis
- Routing in distributed systems
- Distributed data collection
- P2P-based Social IPTV Service Platform
- Collaboration with industry partner ETRI Development of a multi-tree P2P-based live streaming overlay (LSO)
- Inkrementelle Graphentheoretische Analyse Dynamischer Systeme
- Software Campus project in collaboration with industry partner Siemens Live analysis of traffic flows in an urban environment
- OSN Usage in Germany
- Study performed in collaboration with Prof. Oliver Hinz, started January 2012 Analysis of the usage patterns of different Social Networks in Germany
- GTNA - Graph Theoretic Network Analyzer
- Framework allowing for the graph-theoretic analysis of network topologies Version 2.0 enables the rapid prototyping of routing algorithms
- DNA - Dynamic Network Analyzer
- Framework for the graph-theoretic analysis of dynamic networks Focus on interchangeability of data structures, metrics, and input data generators
- TDF - Task Distribution Framework
- Framework for the distribution of tasks to multiple workers Used for web crawling and data collection
- Web Chair of SESOC 2013
- TPC Member of AICT 2013
- TPC Member of SocInfo 2013
- TPC Member of ICCVE 2013
- Web Chair of SESOC 2014
- TPC Member of ICC'14 CISS
- TPC Member of ICCVE 2014
- TPC Member of ICC'15
- SS 15
- Hauptseminar: Privacy in Online Social Networks
- WS 14
- Hauptseminar: Privacy in Online Social Networks
- WS 13
- P2P Seminar
- P2P Networks - Exercise
- SS 13
- P2P Seminar
- DMS-P2P Seminar
- SS 11
- P2P Seminar
- WS 10
- P2P Network - Exercise
- Pattern Counting in Dynamic Graphs (Bastian Laur, MSc)
- Der Einfluss von Social Media auf ePetitionen (Patrick Felka, MSc)
- Modeling Dynamic Graphs from Live Traffic Data (Maurice Wendt, BSc)
- WOT graphs and trust metrics (Dirk Kohlweyer, SA)
- Dnamic Properties of Network Samples (Benedict Jahn, BSc)
- Analyzing Live Click Traces Using Dynamic Graphs (Christoph Schott, BSc)
- Analyzing Live Click Traces Using Dynamic Graphs (Marcel Wunderlich, BSc)
- Data Structure Recommendations for Dynamic Graph Analysis (Nico Haase, MSc)
- WCPI - Development of a Web Crawler Plugin & Interpreter (Jan Wiesel, BSc)
- Weiterentwicklung eines Task Distribution Frameworks (Georg Heesch, BSc)
- Analysis of the dynamic properties of a Social Network (Jan Wiese, MSc)
- Sampling-based Network Analysis (Tim Grube, MSc)
- Data Structures for Dynamic Graphs (Nico Haase, Prakt)
- Community Detection Algorithms (Philipp Neubrand, Prakt)
- Combining Cloud Storage Systems (Lennart Diedrich, BSc)
- Partition-based approximation for a fast approximation of the clustering coefficient (Patrick Ritter, BSc)
- Speichereffiziente Berechnung des Clustering-Koeffizienten (Johannes Decher, BSc)
- Resilience Measurements on Internet Topology Generators (Nam Truong Le, BSc)
- Measuring Freenet (Christina Heider, MSc)
- Graph theoretic approach to network resilience (David Jankoski, BSc)
- Development of a Task Distribution Framework (Jan Dillmann, BSc)
- Knowledge-based Data Access in Facebook (Manuel Hauptmann, BSc)
- Communities and Roles in Wireless Networks (Florian Reith, BSc)
- Monitoring Server für ein P2P-basiertes Live-Streaming-System (Thorsten Jacobi, BSc)
- Optimization Strategies for P2P-based Live Streaming Systems (Iason Parasiris, MSc)
- Graph Drawings as Embeddings for Routing (Nico Haase, BSc)
- Subsampling of Complex Networks (Kai Rathmann, MSc)
- Analysis of Routing on Sparse Small-World Topologies (Stefanie Roos, Dipl)
- Evaluation of Community Detection Algorithms (Philipp Neubrand, BSc)
- WS 13
- Counting triangles with limited memory
- SS 13
- Distributed Web Crawlers
- Influence in Social Networks
- Information Dissemination in Social Networks
- WS 12
- A Survey on Tooles for Graph Analysis
- Counting Triangles
- Single Pair Shortest Path Algorithms
- Single Source and All-Pairs Shortest Paths
- SS 12
- A Graph Database Comparison
- WS 11
- Censorship Resistant Publishing Systems
- Determining the Degree of Anonymity
- Development on Friend-to-Friend Networks
- SS 11
- A Classification of Graph Drawing Algorithms
- Attacks on Tor - A Survey
- WS 10
- P2P-based Live Streaming Systems
- P2P-based Video-on-Demand Streaming
- P2P-based VoIP
- Skype
- Growing a Web of Trust
Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe, Dirk Kohlweyer, Jan Seedorf
In: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2015) - Content Virality on Online Social Networks: Empirical Evidence from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ on German News Websites
Irina Heimbach, Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe, Oliver Hinz
In: Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext 2015) - StreaM - a Stream-based Algorithm for Counting Motifs in Dynamic Graphs
Benjamin Schiller, Sven Jager, Kay Hamacher, Thorsten Strufe
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB) - Demo overview: fully decentralised authentication scheme for ICN in disaster scenarios
Jan Seedorf, Bilal Gill, Dirk Kutscher, Benjamin Schiller, Dirk Kohlweyer
In: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Information-centric networking - Monotone Sampling of Networks
Tim Grube, Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery (DyNaK 2014), p. 37-48, September 2014. ISSN 1613-0073. - Measuring Freenet in the Wild: Censorship-resilience under Observation
Stefanie Roos, Benjamin Schiller, Stefan Hacker, Thorsten Strufe
In: Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2014 - Resilient Tree-based Live Streaming for Mobile Scenarios
Benjamin Schiller, Giang Nguyen, Thorsten Strufe
In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE PerCom, March 2014, March 2014. - CoMon: A System Architecture for Improving Caching in CCN - (POSTER PAPER)
Hani Salah, Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe
In: Infocom (posters), 2014. - Resilient Tree-based Live Streaming in Reality
Benjamin Schiller, Giang Nguyen and Thorsten Strufe
In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE P2P, September 2013. - Dynamic Network Analyzer - Building a Framework for the Graph-theoretic Analysis of Dynamic Networks
Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe
In: Summersim, July 2013. - GTNA 2.0 - A Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation of Routing Algorithms
Benjamin Schiller, Thorsten Strufe
In: Summersim, July 2013. - Attack Resistant Network Embeddings for Darknets
Benjamin Schiller, Stefanie Roos, Andreas Höfer and Thorsten Strufe
In: Proceedings of IEEE SRDS/WNR, 2011. - GTNA - A Framework for the Graph-Theoretic Network Analysis
Benjamin Schiller, Dirk Bradler, Immanuel Schweizer, Max Mühlhäuser, Thorsten Strufe
In: The Society for Modeling & Simulation International: Spring Simulation Multi-Conference - 13th Communications and Networking Symposium (CNS), April 2010. - Towards a distributed crisis response communication system
Dirk Bradler, Benjamin Schiller, Erwin Aitenbichler, Nicolas Liebau
In: Proceedings of ISCRAM, 2009