Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Pfennig

NameHerr Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Pfennig
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Mehrseitige Sicherheit in und durch verteilte Systeme: Sichere Netzwerkkodierung
Multimedia-Sicherheit: Bild-Forensik
CurRiculum Vitae
2006-2011 | Diplomstudium Informatik an der TU Dresden |
seit 2011 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der TU Dresden im DFG SFB HAEC (Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing) |
B. Matthiesen, S. Pfennig, M.Bielert, T. Ilsche, A. Lonnstrom, T. Li, J. A. Cabrera, C. Scheunert, E. Franz, S. Santini, T. Strufe, E. A. Jorswieck, W. E. Nagel, G. T. Nguyen, F. H.P. Fitzek: "Secure and Energy-Efficient Interconnects for Board-to-Board Communication" in Proc. of Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2017
S. Pfennig, E. Franz: "Security Aspects of Confidential Network Coding" in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2017 Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, 2017
- S. Pfennig, S. Engelmann, E. Franz, A. Wolf: "Robust Secret Sharing for End-to-End Key Establishment with Physical Layer Keys under Active Attacks" in Proc. of Workshop on Communication Security (WCS 17) affiliated with EUROCRYPT, 2017
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz: "eSPOC: Enhanced secure practical network coding for better efficiency and lower latency" in Proceedings of the Workshop on Network Coding and Applications (NetCod) co-located with the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2016
- S. Pfennig, K. Feldhoff, F. M. Ciorba, M. Bielert, E. Franz, T. Ilsche, T. Reiher and W. E. Nagel: "Simulation Models Verification for Resilient Communication on a Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computer", in Proc of the 24th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2016), part of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, SpringSim'16
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz, S. Engelmann, A. Wolf: "End-to-End Key Establishment using Physical Layer Key Generation and Specific Attacker Model" in Physical and Data-Link Security Techniques for Future Communication Systems, Vol. 358 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISBN 978-3-319-23608-7, pp. 93-110, Springer, 2016
- M. Bielert, K. Feldhoff, F. M. Ciorba, S.Pfennig, E. Franz, , T. Ilsche, W. E. Nagel: "Verification of Resilient Communication Models for the Simulation of a Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computer" Poster presentation at Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2015
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz, J. Richter, C. Scheunert, E. A. Jorswieck: "Confidential Network Coding: Physical Layer vs. Network Layer" in Proc. of Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
- E. Franz, S. Pfennig, B. Matthiesen, C. Scheunert, E. A. Jorswieck: "Energy Models for Communication of Future Computing Platforms" in Proc. of Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz, S. Engelmann, A. Wolf: "End-to-End Key Establishment using Physical Layer Key Generation with Specific Attacker Model" in Proc. of Workshop on Communication Security (WCS), 2014
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz, F. M. Ciorba, T. Ilsche, W. E. Nagel: "Modeling Communication Delays for Network Coding and Routing for Error-Prone Transmission" Proc. of Conf. on Future generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2014
- F. M. Ciorba, T. Ilsche, E. Franz, S. Pfennig, C. Scheunert, U. Markwardt, J. Schuchart, D. Hackenberg, R. Schöne,A. Knüpfer, W. E. Nagel, E. A. Jorswieck, M. S. Müller: "Analysis of Parallel Applications on a High Performance - Low Energy Computer" Proc. of Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), 2014
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz: "Adjustable Redundancy for Secure Network Coding in a Unicast Scenario" Proc. of International Symposium on Network Coding, 2014.
- E, Franz, S. Pfennig, T. Reiher: "Efficiency of Rateless Secure Network Coding." Proc. of Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, 2013
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz: "Comparison of Different Secure Network Coding Paradigms Concerning Transmission Efficiency." International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2013
- J. Richter, E. Franz, S. Engelmann, S. Pfennig, E. A. Jorswieck: "Physical Layer Security vs. Network Layer Secrecy: Who Wins on the Untrusted Two-Way Relay Channel?" International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2013
- S. Pfennig, E. Franz: "Secure Network Coding: Dependency of Efficiency on Network Topology." IEEE ICC / CISS, Budapest, Hungary, 2013
- E. Franz, S. Pfennig, A. Fischer: "Efficiency of Secure Network Coding Schemes." Proc. of 13th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS), LNCS 7394, 2012
- E. Franz, S. Pfennig, A. Fischer: "Communication Overhead of Network Coding Schemes Secure against Pollution Attacks" Technical Report TUD-FI12-07, TU Dresden, May 2012
- T. Gloe, S. Pfennig, M. Kirchner: "Unexpected artefacts in PRNU-based camera identification: a’Dresden Image Database’case-study," Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, 2012
- S. Pfennig, M. Kirchner: "Spectral methods to determine the exact scaling factor of resampled digital images," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), 2012