Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Roos
NameMs Dipl.-Math. Stefanie Roos
Chair of privacy and security
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I am now affiliated with the Cryptography, Security and Privacy at University of Waterloo.
Before joining the Privacy and Data Security group at TU Dresden in 2014, I was a member of the P2P Networks group at TU Darmstadt and a PhD scholar of CASED, the Centre of Advanced Security Darmstadt, under the supervision of Thorsten Strufe. I received my diploma in Mathematics with Computer Science from TU Darmstadt in 2011, and was awarded the Datenlotsenpreis for my thesis 'Analysis of Routing in Sparse Small-World Topologies' in 2012. During 2009, I worked as a student researcher at the University of Saskatchewan, focusing on Genetic Programming under the guidance of Prof. Simone A. Ludwig.
Open Theses
I offer a number of topics in the area of F2F Networks, overlay networks connecting only trusted parties. F2F networks are a candidate solution to provide freedom of speech even in the presence of a powerful adversary and are aimed at whistle blowers as well as privacy-aware everyday users. In order to allow secure communication for a large number of users in potential malicious environments, these systems need to provide privacy, resilience to failures and attacks and the necessary efficiency to be usable. The thesis topics can be divided into three categories:
- Measurement and analysis of existing systems: Real-world implementations of F2F networks are Freenet, GnuNet and OneSwarm, among others. Because these systems are used for seemingly secure communication, it is highly important that vulnerabilities to attacks are identified. For example, there is an open thesis on detecting so called bridge nodes, which connect different clusters of nodes in the Freenet network and are highly important for the system to work. Their detection and subsequent take-down could considerable damage the system, so that it is essential to ensure that detection is not easy. In addition to attacks, large-scale measurements of the user behavior in such systems is important to check if the current assumptions made during system design are valid. For example, a potential thesis topic is to check how long content in Freenet remains available. Requirements: some programming skills (particular in understanding code, you probably won't program that much yourselves), basically if you like finding bugs in existing systems, that is your area
- Design and simulation of newly developed algorithms for F2F networks: We have developed a new design for a F2F networks, which has been shown to improve the performance and resilience of existing systems. However, some algorithms still need to be improved. For example, the current system does not protect against pollution attacks, i.e., an adversary which floods the system with nonsense. Your task would be to design the details of a protection algorithm (starting from a rough design provided by us) and implement it in a network simulator. Requirements: solid programming skills (C++, although you can probably do it if you are good at any Object-oriented programming language), if you like thinking up algorithms and implementing them, that is your area
- Theoretical analysis of F2F networks: Frequently, F2F networks start from a real-world implementation. It is often unclear if the basic concepts underlying this real-world system can provide the necessary scalablity for large user groups. Furthermore, the degree of achieved privacy is generally not formally defined. For example, our current system prevents the attacker from identifying a user with absolute certainty, but it remains unclear which level of certainty can be reached. A potential thesis topic would be to provide better bounds and potentially develop better anonymization schemes. Requirements: solid math knowledge (vordiplom), particularly in probability theory or graph theory, anyone who likes proving stuff can find a great topic here
For more details and in-depth topic descriptions, send me a mail (stefanie.roos at tu-dresden.de )or drop by (APB 3068). Theses can be Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Beleg. Praktika are possible as well.
- Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: Dealing with the Dead Ends - Efficient Routing in Darknets, In ACM Transactions on Modelling and Performance Evaluation in Computing Systems (ToMPECS), 2015 (aceepted)
- Stefanie Roos, Hani Salah, Thorsten Strufe: Determining the Hop Count in Kademlia-type Systems, In ICCCN 2015
- Giang Nyugen, Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe, Mathias Fischer: RBCS: A Resilient Backbone Construction Scheme for Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Streaming, In LCN 2015 (accepted)
- Shankar Karuppayah, Stefanie Roos, Christian Rossow, Max Mühlhäuser, Mathias Fischer: ZeusMilker: Circumventing The P2P Zeus Neighbor List Restriction Mechanism, ICDCS 2015
- Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: On the Impossibility of Efficient Self-Stabilization in Virtual Overlays with Churn, Infocom 2015
- Stefanie Roos, Giang Nyugen, Thorsten Strufe: Integrating Churn into the Formal Analysis of Routing Algorithms, In NetSys 2015
- Stefanie Roos, Florian Platzer, Jan-Michael Heller, Thorsten Strufe: Inferring Obfuscated Values in Freenet, In NetSys 2015
- Daniel Germanus, Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe, Neeraj Suri: Mitigating Eclipse attacks in Peer-To-Peer networks, CNS 2014
- Stefanie Roos, Liang Wang, Thorsten Strufe, Jussi Kangasharju: Enhancing compact routing in CCN with prefix embedding and topology-aware hashing, In MobiArch@MobiCom 2014: 49-54
- Stefanie Roos, Benjamin Schiller, Stefan Hacker, Thorsten Strufe: Measuring Freenet in the Wild: Censorship-resilience under Observation, In PETs 2014
- Frederik Armknecht, Manuel Hauptmann, Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: An Additional Protection Layer for Confidential OSNs Posts, In ICC 2014
- Hani Salah, Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: Characterizing Graph-Theoretic Properties of a Large-Scale DHT: Measurements vs. Simulations, In ISCC 2014
- Stefanie Roos, Patrick Welzel, Andreas Höfer, Thorsten Strufe: DarknetSim - A Simulation Framework for Social Overlays, In CNS/SpringSim 2014 (Best Paper Award)
- Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: A Contribution to Analyzing and Enhancing Darknet Routing, In Infocom 2013
- Andreas Höfer, Stefanie Roos, and Thorsten Strufe: Greedy Embedding, Routing and Content Addressing for Darknets, in Netsys 2013
- Chris Biemann, Stefanie Roos, and Karsten Weihe: Quantifying Semantics Using Complex Network Analysis, In COLING, December 2012
- Stefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe: Provable Polylog Routing for Darknets, In 4th IEEE ICDCS International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Computing and Online Social Networking (HotPost), 2012
- Benjamin Schiller, Stefanie Roos, Andreas Höfer and Thorsten Strufe: Attack Resistant Network Embeddings for Darknets, In Proceedings of IEEE SRDS/WNR, 2011
- Simone A. Ludwig, Stefanie Roos, Monique Frize, Nicole Yu: Medical Outcome Prediction for Intensive Care Unit Patients, In: IJCMAM, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 19-30, December 2010
- Simone A. Ludwig, Stefanie Roos: Prognosis of Breast Cancer Using Genetic Programming, In KES, p. 536-545, September 2010.
- PC memberships: ICC 2014, PADE 2014
- Journal Reviews: Transactions on Computers, Computer Communications
- Conference Reviews: PerCom 2014, ICC/CISS 2014, Sicherheit 2014, CompleNet 2013, HotPost 2013, SocInfo 2012, PST 2014, IEEE CNS 2014
- Supervised Theses:
- Benedikt Bickert - Securing GnuNet (Masterthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Christina Heider - Measuring Freenet (Masterthesis, Uni Mannheim)
- David Jankoski - Graph-theoretic Approach to Network Resilience (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Florian Platzer - Detecting Darknet Bridges (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Jan-Michael Heller - Building a Freenet Testbed for Evaluation of Darknet Embedding Algorithms (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Manuel Hauptmann - Knowledge-based Data Access in Facebook (Bachelorthesis, Uni Mannheim)
- Nam Truong Le - Resilience Measurements on Internet Topology Graphs (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Patrick Welzel - A Darknet Simulation Model (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)
- Stefan Hacker - Churn Measurements in Freenet (Bachelorthesis, TU Darmstadt)