Dr.-Ing. Paul Walther

NameHerr Dr.-Ing. Paul Walther
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- Physical Layer Security
- Channel Reciprocity based Key Generation
- Integration of Machine Learning
- Inference Attacks
- Security aspects of Network-on-Chip communication
- P. Walther and T. Strufe "Inference Attacks on Physical Layer Channel State Information." 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020).
- F. Armknecht, P. Walther, G. Tsudik, M.Beck, and T. Strufe "ProMACs: Progressive and Resynchronizing MACs for Continuous Efficient Authentication of Message Streams." Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). 2020.
- P. Walther, and Thorsten Strufe. "Blind Twins: Siamese Networks for Non-Interactive Information Reconciliation." 2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
- P. Walther, R. Knauer, and T. Strufe. "Passive Angriffe auf kanalbasierten Schlüsselaustausch." SICHERHEIT 2020 (2020).
- P. Walther, E. Franz, and T. Strufe "Blind Synchronization of Channel Impulse Responses for Channel Reciprocity-based Key Generation", 2019 IEEE 44rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
- Julian Harttung, Elke Franz, Sadia Moriam, and Paul Walther "Lightweight Authenticated Encryption for Network-on-Chip Communications". In Proceedings of the 2019 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI '19). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3299874.3317990
- P. Walther et al., "Improving Quantization for Channel Reciprocity based Key Generation," 2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Chicago, IL, USA, 2018, pp. 545-552.
doi: 10.1109/LCN.2018.8638248 - Paul Walther, Stefan Köpsell, Frederik Armknecht, Gene Tsudik and Thorsten Strufe. Chains and Whips - An approach to lighweight MACs. crypto day matters 28, 2018
- Sadia Moriam, Elke Franz, Paul Walther, Akash Kumar, Thorsten Strufe and Gerhard P. Fettweis. "Protecting Communication in Many-Core Systems against Active Attackers", GLSVLSI 2018