Dr.-Ing. Amr Osman

NameDr.-Ing. Amr Osman
Chair of privacy and security
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Amr is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden - CeTI Excellence cluster headed by Prof. Dr. Frank Fitzek. At the time of writing this, he finalized his PhD thesis about “Agile Network Security for Software Defined Edge Clouds” at the chair of data privacy & security under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe. During his PhD, he was actively involved in many research clusters and projects including the Helmholtz Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the center of excellence for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-loop (CeTI). Amr’s work won multiple awards such as the first place at the Telekom challenge 2021. It also was featured in many venues such as the Software campus summit 2022, Huawei research center, Munich in 2019, Avast inc, USA in 2020, and the website of the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) in 2018. In the past, Amr was a founding member of stacktile GmbH advised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmid, and Prof. Dr. Marco Canini, and was a research assistant at the TU Berlin, chair of Internet Network Architectures (INET) headed by Prof. Dr. Anja Feldmann. He also held various positions at Vodafone and Intel labs.
Research interests
Security and privacy issues in...
- {Cloud, Fog, Edge} Computing
- Microservice Architectures
- Future Internet {NFV, SDN}
Awards & Public Distinction
Parts of Amr's work, and its derivatives, i.e. supervised theses, won multiple awards:
- First place, Telekom Challenge by T-Labs, 2020: https://web.archive.org/web/20220209130805/https://www.telekom.com/en/media/media-information/archive/telekom-announces-winners-of-telekom-challenge-635072 , https://www.informatik.kit.edu/11147_12293.php , https://tu-dresden.de/ing/informatik/sya/ps/die-professur/news/telekom-prize-for-amr-osman , https://www.kuvs.de/newsletter/kuvs-newsletter__2021-12.pdf
- News article and Interview by the German ministry of education (BMBF) - Digital summit 2018: https://www.bildung-forschung.digital/digitalezukunft/de/unsere-ueberzeugungen/digitalstrategie-der-bundesregierung/digital-gipfel-2018-software-campus/digital-gipfel-2018-software-campus.html
- News Article & collab. with Huawei research center, Munich at Software campus 2018
(Acceptance rate 15%): https://10jahre.softwarecampus.de/tu-dresden - News Article & collab. with Avast Inc., USA in the R&D context of Avast Omni
(CES Innovation award 2020, Patent pending): https://blog.avast.com/transparent-microsegmentation-for-smart-home-security-avast , https://www.ces.tech/Innovation-Awards/Honorees/2020/Best-Of/A/Avast-Omni.aspx - First place at the Women STEM award 2019 for best thesis in cyber security: https://tu-dresden.de/ing/informatik/sya/ps/die-professur/news/jeannine-born-wins-telekom-stem-award
- First and second places at Telekom #AIHack4Diversity 2019: https://tu-dresden.de/ing/informatik/sya/ps/die-professur/news/jeannine-and-her-team-win-the-first-place-at-telekoms-a-i-hackathon
- First place, CHR Summer School contest, KU Leuven 2010: https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/CHR/summerschool/contest/
- First place, Software Engineering Contest, GUC (Sponsors: IBM, Microsoft) 2010
Curiculum Vitae
April 2022 - Present | Research Fellow, Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Deutsche Telekom Chair, TU Dresden |
March 2021 - March 2022 | Scientific assistant, Practical IT Securtity, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
May 2016 - March 2021 | Scientific assistant, Chair of Privacy and Data Security, TU Dresden |
Feb 2016 - May 2016 | Founding member / Software & Systems Engineer, stacktile GmbH |
2014 - 2016 | Scientific assistant, Chair of Internet Network Architectures, TU Berlin |
2013 - 2014 | External Researcher, Intel Labs MEMIC |
2012 - 2013 | Junior Researcher, Vodafone |
2010 - 2013 | Assistant Lecturer, GUC/GIU Berlin |
- SOTS Scholar, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2022
- Alumni, Young Entrepreneurs in Science, Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH, 2022
- Foundations of Humane Technology, Center for Humane Technology, 2022
- Alumni, Software Campus Leadership Program, EIT ICT Labs Germany GmbH, 2020
- Creating an Innovation Roadmap for Emerging Technologies, Fraunhofer ISI, 2019
- Cultural Awareness and Decision Making, Huawei, 2019
- Insights Discovery, Merck Group, 2019
- Team Building and Leadership, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, 2019
- Work smart - not had! Self-Leadership, Rohde & Schwarz, 2019
- Design Thinking, ZEISS Group, 2019
- Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), DFG
- Helmholtz Kompetenzzentrum für angewandte Sicherheitstechnologie (KASTEL), BMBF
- Automatic Network Micro-segmentation for Smart home networks, Telekom challenge by T-Labs.
- Agile Network Security for Edge Clouds, Software Campus / Huawei Munich GmbH
- Secure Network Micro-slicing for Smart IoT home networks, Avast inc., USA
- FASTcloud, BMBF
- SDNterprise / Panopticon (SDN incremental deployment), BMWi / EXIST
- Amr Osman, Armin Wasicek, Stefan Koepsell, Thorsten Strufe, “Transparent Microsegmentation in Smart Home IoT Networks”. In: 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 20). USENIX Association, June 2020.
- Amr Osman, Pascal Bruckner, Hani Salah, Frank H. P. Fitzek, Thorsten Strufe, Mathias Fischer: “Sandnet: Towards High Quality of Deception in Container-Based Microservice Architectures”. In: ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. IEEE, 2019, pp. 1–7.
- Simon Hanisch, Amr Osman, Tao Li, Thorsten Strufe “Chapter 23 - Security for mobile edge cloud”. In: Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice. Ed. by Frank H.P. Fitzek, Fabrizio Granelli, and Patrick Seeling. Academic Press, 2020, pp. 371–385. isbn: 978-0-12-820488-7.
- Amr Osman, Jeannine Born, Patricia Arias Cabarcos, and Thorsten Strufe. "Smart home
microsegmentation with user privacy in mind". In (In submission), 2022 - Amr Osman, Jeannine Born, and Thorsten Strufe. "Mitigating internal, stealthy dos attacks in microservice networks." In Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, pages 500–504. Springer, 2021
- Amr Osman, Simon Hanisch, and Thorsten Strufe. "Seconetbench: A modular framework for secure container networking benchmarks". In IEEE EuroS&P-W, pages 21–28, 2019
- Amr Osman. "Dynamic network security for software-defined agile edge clouds". EBSIS
2017–Proceedings of the EBSIS Summer school on Distributed Event Based Systems, pages 26–27, 2017 - Amr Osman and Pascal Bruckner. "Demo: Dynamic & live network micro-segmentation to seamlessly confine adversarial connections". IEEE 5G Summit 2017
- Amr Osman and Armin Wasicek. "Poster: Microslicing - iot device segmentation for home networks". IEEE 5G World Forum 2019
Academic service
- Reviewer, IEEE S&P 2022
- Reviewer, ACM WPES 2021
- Reviewer, IEEE Percom 2020
- Reviewer, International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Springer ACNS) 2020a
- Reviewer, IEEE CNS 2018
- Reviewer, IEEE J-SAC vol. 35 issue 11, November 2017
Previous students of Amr and their latest known positions (selected):
- Simon Hanisch (M.Sc.), Research Assistant, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany
- Jeannine Born (B.Sc., M.Sc.), Winner of Telekom Challenge 2021, Telekom AIHack4Diversity 2019, Telekom Women STEM award 2019
- Mohamed Alzayat, PhD student at Max-Planck Institute for software systems, Saarland, Germany
- Christine Awad, Director of Engineering at Facebook, California, USA
Ahmed Malatawy, Senior Software Engineer at Google, Paris, France
- Nader Alexan, CTO at Airteam Aerial Intelligence, Berlin, Germany
- Mayada Nour, Software Engineer at Amazon, Madrid, Spain
Past experience with the co-ordination of bi-lateral DAAD-sponsored academic theses for international students between the GUC/GIU, and the following Universities: Ulm University, Stuttgart University, TU Munich, TU Berlin, and the TU Dresden.
Sample B.Sc. and M.Sc. topics from the past (selected):
- Ali Kabeel (B.Sc.), Emulating microservice networks for critical path analysis & proactive chaos engineering
- Jeannine Born (M.Sc.), Automatic smarthome IoT network microsegmentation based on user privacy preferences
- Jeannine Born (B.Sc.), Live network deception of high-interaction adversaries
- Simon Hanisch (M.Sc.), Modular benchmarks & analysis of secure container networking technologies
Can Xie (M.Sc.), Dynamic network security and NFV composition in highly-mobile container clouds
- Jan-Ralph Sroka (M.Sc.), Proactive cloning and migration of malicious containers in deception networks
- Tim Stelzig (B.Sc.), Dataplane-assisted fault tolerance for SDN controllers
Tutor | Seminar on topics in Data Privacy & Security | TU Dresden |
Tutor | Resillient Networking | TU Dresden |
Second Examiner | Security & Cryptography | TU Dresden |
Tutor | System on Chip Design | TU Berlin |
Tutor | Advanced Computer Architecture | TU Berlin |
Tutor | Analysis and Design of Algorithms | TU Munich / GUC Berlin |
Assistant Lecturer | Computer Security | GUC |
Assistant Lecturer | Introduction to Communication Networks | GUC |
Assistant Lecturer | Advanced Routing Lab | GUC/GIU Berlin |
Assistant Lecturer | Advanced Media Lab: Android Programming | GUC/GIU Berlin |
Assistant Lecturer | Advanced Media Lab: Web Development | GUC/GIU Berlin |
Tutor | Computer Graphics | GUC/GIU Berlin |
Tutor | Embedded Systems | GUC/GIU Berlin |
Tutor | Software Engineering | GUC |